稅制 taxation system

納稅 pay duty

稅務人員 tax staff

估稅人員 accessor

納稅義務 obligation to pay tax

納稅人 taxpayer

逃稅人 tax dodger

所得稅申報書 income tax declaration/report

綜合所得稅 unitary income tax

所得稅 income tax

證券交易所得稅 stock income tax

房屋稅 house tax

旅館營業稅 bed/occupancy tax

土地稅 land tax

土地增值稅 increment tax on land value

地價稅 land value tax

財產稅 property tax

遺產稅 legacy tax

營業稅 business tax

特種營業稅 special business tax

銷售稅 sales tax

貨物稅 commodity tax

菸酒稅 wine and tobacco tax

汽車稅 vehicle tax

牌照稅 license tax

消費稅 comsumption tax

娛樂稅 entertainment tax

教育稅 education tax

印花稅 stamp duty

海關關稅 tariff

入港稅 harbor due

進口稅 import tax

出口稅 export tax

轉口稅 transit duty

契稅 deed tax

高速公路養路稅 highway maintainance tax

國產稅 excise

防衛稅 defense tax

雜稅 irregular tax

國稅 central tax

從量稅 speicific duty

從價稅 advalorem duty

附加稅 surtax

轉嫁稅 shifting tax

累積稅 progressive tax

選擇稅 alternative tax

單一/雙重/多重稅 single/double/multiple tariff

減免 abatement

一般減免 general deduction

個人減免 personal deduction

特殊減免 particular deduction

免稅 tax exemption

退稅 drawback

漏稅 evade duty tax

虛報稅額 false declaration



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