How to cancel your plans in English/如何用英語來取消計畫 (中英對照 精華文章)




I'm sorry, I have to cancel.

一開始明確任何道歉的話像是「I'm sorry.」然後,簡短的說明某人你必須要取消「I have to cancel.」儘管知道這些句子聽起來對朋友或企業夥伴來說有點魯莽。最常用的是當你經由你的秘書來為你取消一些計畫:「I'm sorry, I have to cancel my appointment tomorrow.」


I'm sorry, I can't make it.

「I can't make it」相同的意思就是「I have to cancel」,但是會比較不正式點,但如果你想要很直接了當的與你的朋友或同事取消計畫是較好的說法。例如:如果你和你的一位朋友已經計畫要一起見面吃晚餐,你可以這樣說: 「I'm sorry, I can't make it tonight. 」但是,請準備一個你無法達成這個計畫的理由-因為很多人都會很自然的問: 「Really? Why not? 」

Something has come up.

如果你不想要被人詢問「why」你必須要取消的問題,那麼你就可以說: 「I'm sorry, I can't make it」,然後接著說:「Something has come up.」這句話的意思是某些事情已經發生使得你無法出席。大部分的以英語為母語人士會了解當你說這句話的時候,他們應該不會問你關於「come up.」的問題了。

I was really looking forward to seeing you, but...

這句話是非常普通談話的方式來對某人表示你不能夠出席。你可以說: 「I was really looking forward to our meeting」並且指出你本來已經決定要做這個計畫。沒有人會喜歡你一付不在乎的樣子!你可以使用上述任何一個句子:「I was really looking forward to seeing you, but something has come up.」

Can we reschedule?

在你已經取消你的計畫後,很重要的就是試著「reschedule」或是設定另一個時間。如果你已經取消一個公事上的約會,這句話尤其重要。既然你主動取消計畫,你有責任要再約其他時間。在取消計畫後,你總是可以問: 「Can we reschedule? 」如果約其他的時間對他們很不方便,這種說法可以很容易讓其他人有轉轉圜的餘地。然後他們對你的努力很感高興!


Canceling plans can be awkward in any language. Maybe you have to break them for a good reason - like you got sick. Or maybe it's for something less truthful - like you just feel lazy. Either way, when you cancel, you don't want to offend the other person. Here are some phrases you can use to break plans politely:


I'm sorry, I have to cancel.

Be sure to start any statement with an apology like "I'm sorry." Then, a simple way to inform someone you have to cancel is to say, "I have to cancel." Though be aware this phrasing may sound abrupt to a friend or business associate. It's best to use when you're canceling something like a doctor's appointment through a secretary: "I'm sorry, I have to cancel my appointment tomorrow."


I'm sorry, I can't make it.

"I can't make it" has the same meaning as "I have to cancel," but it's more informal. It's a better choice when you're breaking plans directly with a friend or colleague. For example, if you and a friend had planned to meet for dinner you could say, "I'm sorry, I can't make it tonight." But be prepared with a reason why you can't make it - many people will naturally ask, "Really? Why not?"

Something has come up.

If you don't want someone asking "why" you have to cancel, then follow, "I'm sorry, I can't make it" with "Something has come up." This phrase means something has happened to make it impossible for you to be there. Most native English speakers understand when you say this, they shouldn't ask questions about what has "come up."

I was really looking forward to seeing you, but...

This is a very conversational way to inform someone you can't be there. Saying "I was really looking forward to our meeting" indicates you took the plans very seriously. No one wants to feel like you didn't care! You can finish the sentence with any of the above statements: "I was really looking forward to seeing you, but something has come up."

Can we reschedule?

After you've broken your plans, it's important to try to "reschedule" or set a new time. This is especially important if you've canceled a business appointment. Since you're the one who canceled, it's your responsibility to try to reschedule. After canceling, always ask, "Can we reschedule?" This statement makes it easy for the other person to back out if it's not convenient for them to meet at another time. And they'll feel good that you made the effort!



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