Those who 的句型

Those (people) who = They/People who = Such (people) as + 複數動詞 – 意為「凡是…的人們」。這是 those who 的複數句型,但我們亦可用下面的單數句型來表達相同的意思:He/One who = Anyone who = Whoever + 單數動詞 – 意為「凡是…的人」。請看下面的例句:

Those who have money do not want for friends. (凡是有錢的人都不會缺乏朋友)
= Such as have money do not want for friends. (在這句中,as是當關係代名詞)
= He who has money does not want for friends.
= Whoever has money does not want for friends. (Whoever = Anyone who)

下面兩句分別是 those who (主格) 的受格 those whom 和所有格 those whose的應用:

No distance can sever those whom the fate unites. (有緣千里來相會)
Almighty Heaven is not indifferent to those whose hearts are earnest. (皇天不負苦心人)




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