

“So this apartment has an open plan living area with kitchenette, a separate bedroom and a bathroom?”(那麼這套公寓有敞開式的居住區域,有小廚房、獨立臥室和浴室?)

“Do you have an apartment available with its own separate kitchen, bedroom and bathroom?”(你們這有可以擁有自己的獨立廚房、臥室和浴室的公寓嗎?)

“Is there a washing machine/dishwasher in the kitchen?”(廚房裡有洗衣機或洗碗機嗎?)

“Do any of the other tenants have children?”(其他的房客有孩子嗎?)

“Am I allowed to redecorate the rooms?”(我可以重新裝修房子嗎?)

“How long is the rental lease for?”(租期是多長?)

“Do I have to pay a security deposit?”(我需要付押金嗎?)

“Have many other people viewed the room already?”(已經有多少人看過這套公寓?)

“When will you decide who gets the room?”(你什麼時候能決定下來租給誰?)

“When would I be able to move in?”(我什麼時候可以搬進來?)
br> “How much notice”(多少錢?)

“Am I allowed to use the garden at the rear or does that belong to the ground floor apartment?”(我可以使用後邊的花園嗎?或者那個花園屬於一樓的公寓嗎?)


“The heating/air conditioning/washing machine/dishwasher isn’t working.”(冷暖氣機/洗衣機/洗碗機壞了。)

“I’m having a problem with my key and lock. It is difficult to unlock the door.”(門鎖和鑰匙出問題了,門鎖很難打開。)

“The timed light always goes out before I can reach the landing.”(定時感應燈通常還沒等我走到樓下就熄滅了。)

“Could you organize for it to be repaired please?”(你能抽空修一下嗎?)

“I’m sorry but I have to complain about the neighbors upstairs/downstairs/on the other side of the hallway.”(不好意思,但是我得投訴樓上/樓下/走廊對面的鄰居。)

“They are very noisy.”(他們太吵了。)

“They leave their garbage in the hallway which leaves an unpleasant smell and attracts cats, mice and rats.”(他們把垃圾堆在走廊,味道很難聞,把貓和老鼠都招來了。)

“They leave bicycles in the hallway and it is difficult to open the door and get into the hallway.”(他們把腳踏車停在走廊,這樣很難開門,很難行走。)

“The children leave toys on the stairs and it is very dangerous.”(小孩子把玩具丟在樓梯)




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