

你感到on top of the world及無限歡樂或是沮喪及down in the dumps呢?這裡有一些熱門的表達方式告訴別人你的感受如何。


Bent out of shape.如果你對於某一件事情bent out of shape那會不會對別人造成傷害呢?當然不是指身理上的!這個意思只有用在一個人非常不愉快或氣憤時說:「She got bent out of shape over the new dress code at work.

On cloud nine.當某人是on cloud nine-是指說他或她感到極度愉悅。例如:When he finally proposed to her, she was on cloud nine.

Totally spaced out.你的朋友們試圖引起你注意已經有10分鐘之久了,但是你仍然沒有注意到。你會怎樣道歉呢?那就告訴他們你剛剛totally spaced out做白日夢。

Shaken up.當人們收到一個震驚無預期的消息或經歷,他們也許會覺得shaken up。例如:After the accident she was completely shaken up.

On pins and needles.當人們說她們是on pins and needles,他們不是在談論有關於針灸。真正意思是他們正感到緊張焦慮不安。例如:The movie was so suspenseful, I was on pins and needles the whole time!


Head over heels.每一個人都在問你為什麼你這幾天那麼快樂。你可以告訴他們你說是:「head over heels in love!」這是人人都會用到的來表達說你正完完全全地和某人談戀愛呢。

Fed up.不論在何時你真的感到為某事失意並且再不久就要面對它,你可以告訴人們你completely fed up!例如:如果你認為餐廳的服務很差,你可以這樣說:「I am completely fed up with your service!

Chill out.如果你的朋友們認為你對於小的問題反應過度,他們會告訴你chill out。這句話是要告訴某人放鬆或冷靜一下:「Stop worrying about it and just chill out.

Under the weather.如果你生病了或只是覺得不舒服,只要說你under the weather。」例如:John's feeling a bit under the weather tonight, so he won't be joining us for dinner.





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