


Pulsating and potent 'Drug War'

The “Iron Man 1” was rusty, and the second was just a rustier one with friends, but “Iron Man 3” is a Hollywood blockbuster superhero movie that ticks all the right boxes. It has the story, the special effects, the self-depreciating humor, all the explosions and action you could ask for, Gwyneth Paltrow and, of course, the arrogantly charismatic Robert Downey Jr. 

Yep, Iron Man is back with shiny new armor to blind audiences in what is definitely the strongest entry in the mega Marvel movie franchise.

With a script that shows rare originality, “Iron Man 3” delivers surprises and interesting twists throughout, sprinkled with authentic Tony Stark humor. Right from the beginning you are engaged by Stark's enticing narrative, and in the unfolding sequences the movie lets you connect the dots. 

Stark is the “genius billionaire playboy philanthropist” in an invincible suit, but without it he's visible, vulnerable and mortal. The imperfections of this superhero — his bad judgment, neglect of his girlfriend, weakness without his suit — are what keep us in touch with the man behind the mask. The movie's constant contrast of the invincible-man-in-suit awesomeness versus the vulnerable-man-without anxiety creates an enthralling see-saw effect of tension between scenes.

Another important factor that defines a good superhero movie is the villain behind the evil who is equally enjoyable to watch. “Iron Man 3” discusses the interpretation of the generic villain versus the true ingenious villain at heart. Ben Kingsley puts on a kaleidoscopic performance as the “Mandarin” terrorist that will indubitably bring down the house. This new villain isn't just some deranged maniac or mad scientist, but a very well-developed sinister genius.

Being a superhero movie, it naturally still has to have all the clichés and heroic angle shots, such as the entrance of Iron Man landing epically with right knee down, right fist smashed into the ground, left arm arched back, head up. Epic orchestral themes are robotically inserted in superhero saves and entrances, while villain entrance themes are used just as predictably. But unlike other superhero movies, it tones down the nationalistic glam with imperfect superhero entrances, making Iron Man all the more likeable, human and downright funny.

The notion of a weapon is also explored in “Iron Man 3.” Unbelievable technology is introduced, bringing out the cool factor and giving action-movie junkies that extra dosage of enjoyment.

Director Shane Black and writer Drew Pearce have truly delivered a great piece of Friday-night entertainment here, one that is sure not to disappoint. It shatters the stereotype that superhero movies can only be appreciated by men. Due to its well-rounded development of all the elements that make a good movie, “Iron Man 3” is sure to appeal to a much greater spectrum of moviegoers. Its constant references to the mega “Avengers” franchise as well as its own predecessors offer connections and answers for those interested in the bigger story. This also helps to absorb the huge Marvel movie fan base to invest in this movie.

“Iron Man 3” might run a little long with unnecessary high-flying action and explosions, and a cliché here and there, but given its talented cast, creative plot and unexpected surprises, it is easily the best of its kind — strong as steel and Fe-ntastic.




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