


When the iPhone was first introduced, it revolutionized how we record and document our lives. Suddenly, everyone could carry a small, very high-quality point-and-shoot camera in their pockets, with the ability to instantly upload and share their work. 


  • Haunting (adj.) 難以忘懷的
  • Revolutionize (v.) 徹底改革;在‥.方面有突破性大變革
Automation has revolutionized industry. 自動化使工業發生了徹底變革。
Now, with more than 250 million of the devices sold and the introduction of apps such as Flickr and Instagram, people are creating and sharing amazing images like never before, and taking iPhone pictures from happy snaps into the realm of art.

The iPhone Photography Awards was launched seven years ago and the entries this year are nothing short of astonishing. The rules are simple: The photograph must have been taken with an iPhone or iPod, and it can't be edited with any digital editing programs such as Photoshop. Entrants can, however, use iPhone apps such as Hipstamatic or Camerabag.

The winners of the seventh annual iPhone Photography Awards have been announced after judges sifted through thousands of entries from 38 countries around the world, and the collection is truly inspiring.

A recent advertisement from Apple states that more photographs are now taken with an iPhone than any other camera. One look through this year's winners shows why, and just what is possible with an iPhone camera. 




  • Realm (n.) 境界;領域;範圍;領土
  • Astonishing (adj.) 令人驚訝的;驚人的
It was astonishing to everyone that the court had made such adecision. 
法庭竟作出這樣的裁決, 這使大家驚訝。
  • Entrant (n.) 參賽者
  • Sifte (v.) 區分;篩選
Gold is sifted from sand. 金從沙裡淘出來。

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