聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6269096


義大利新任總理 Mario Monti 在2011年11月接任,為避免今年4月底到期的債務出現違約,他也將實行各項財政改革,以力挽狂瀾。學者出身的蒙蒂個性沉穩謹慎,其低調作風也獲得國內民眾愛戴。進入本文前,請試著想想以下單字:(A)緊縮 (B)聲望 (C)影響力

Prime Minister Mario Monti took power few months ago to rescue Italy from economic disaster. In one way, he may have done his job too well.


Monti's "Save Italy" austerity budget and his international credibility have helped bring the country' borrowing costs sharply down from levels that brought it to the brink of economic disaster.


"Monti is in the situation of having successfully saved the country, and paradoxically it's going to make it harder for him to do the reforms that are needed, " a think tank's director Alberto Mingardi said.

智庫主管Alberto Mingardi表示,蒙蒂已算是成功解救這個國家,然而卻也讓它更難進行財政改革。

Dubbed Super Mario for his work in international finance, he served as a leading European Commission member for a decade -- including as commissioner for its financial services, market and taxation committee between 1995 and 1999 and as head of its competition committee from 1999 to 2004.


聯合翻譯引用自 世界公民文化中心:http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6269096


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