聯合翻譯 引用自 商業英語世界觀 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/7625488



常出現在商業email文末的"Thank you in advance”(先謝謝你了),就是一句引人反感的表達。有些人,甚至包含英語是母語的老外,會在email最末寫道:

  • "Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter." (先謝謝你對這件事的關注了。)
  • "Thank you in advance for any help you can provide." (先謝謝你的幫忙了)


“It feels presumptuous.” (聽起來自以為是、很冒昧)


"Thank you in advance" also suggests that the reader will not be thanked later on, after fulfilling the request.


事實上所有寫 "Thank you in advance" 的人,都是想要更禮貌一點,表達更多的禮貌。讓人感受到你的誠意,你可以這麼說:

  • "Thank you for considering my request." (謝謝你考慮我的要求。)當對方願意從頭到尾讀完你的信,表示他已經考慮你的要求了。
  • "I will be grateful for any help you can provide." (我很感謝如果你可以提供協助)
  • "I will appreciate your help with this situation." (我會感謝你願意幫忙)
  • "I hope you will be able to provide the information." (希望你能提供更多資訊)

或者直接省掉 "in advance"這兩個字:

  • "Thank you for any help you can provide."



"Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter."

這句話有除了"Thank you in advance"讓人不悅之外, "for your attention to this matter." 更引人反感。

這種官僚式的句子,給人的印象是銀行逾期帳單催繳,打字機時代的字眼,已經過時幾十年了,丟掉吧,不要再用了 !


聯合翻譯 引用自 商業英語世界觀 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/7625488


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