聯合翻譯 引用自 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/10769783


  1. act the way they do 如其所是
    It's the familiar cry of bewildered parents trying to understand why their teenagers act the way they do.那是一種常常由困惑的雙親發出的吶喊,企圖了解為什麼他們的青少年子女如其所是。
  2. chasing down 追尋
    We are trying to chase down all possible clues.我們正試著追尋所有可能的線索。
  3. meant for 註定是、為了...而(設置、塑造、存在)
    They are meant for people travelling on MRT trains and buses.它們是為了搭乘捷運與公車的人們而存在的


聯合翻譯 引用自 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/10769783


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