聯合翻譯 引用自 http://englishhome.org/detract-distract.html


Detract 意為「貶低;減損」,主要用作不及物動詞 (亦即不需要受詞) 且不用進行式。它的後面通常接介系詞 from,再接受詞,如 Her personal difficulties should not detract from her public achievements. (她個人的困境不應貶低她的社會成就);A pile of unfinished work might detract from your enjoyment of an online game. (一大堆未完成的工作可能降低你玩線上遊戲的樂趣)。

Distract 意為「使 (某人) 分心;分散 (某人) 的注意力」,僅當及物動詞用 (亦即需要受詞)。它的後面幾乎都是直接接被分心或轉移注意力的人事物 (再接介系詞 from),如 Cindy was distracted by the noise outside. (辛蒂被外面的吵雜聲分散了注意力);I was distracted from the work by the sound of running water. (流水聲使我無法專心工作);Your unfinished work might distract you from an online game. (你未完成的工作可能使你無法專心玩線上遊戲)


聯合翻譯 引用自 http://englishhome.org/detract-distract.html


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