聯合翻譯 引用自 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/11260263


2. Don't (1) shoot an idea down immediately. As the leader, your opinion is the weight behind your team’s survival.  When you pass a judgment on something, you are more likely to (C) sway others based on your status rather than the quality of your argument.  Canfield suggests be the final speaker so your team can (2) wrestle with an idea before you pass judgment. When you do speak, find at least three positives even if the initial response was negative. This will challenge you to think outside the box and model effective, creative brainstorming for your team.
2. 不要立即否定主意。作為領導者,你的意見在團隊中很有分量,所以當你宣佈判斷時,你很可能會動搖別人—基於你的職位,而不是你論點的優劣。坎菲爾德建議, 主管最後說話, 讓你的團隊在你傳達決策前可以和想法搏鬥。當你真的開口講話,至少試圖找出所建議的三項正面,即使你最初的反應是負面的。這將使你挑戰跳出框框思考,並為你的團隊建立有效的,創意性的腦力激盪模式。


聯合翻譯 引用自 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/11260263


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