
1. 有人找你,而你正好在忙,或問別人是否在忙

I am in the middle of something.(我剛好手邊有事。)

In the middle of something?(在忙嗎?)

這種「忙」不是很多事的那種忙,而剛好不方便。"In the middle of"後面也可以加各種不同的事,例如在談話時剛好手機響了,你可以說:

Sorry, I am in a middle of a conversation.(抱歉,我在談話中。)

2. 別人問你要不要一起去做某件事,你想加入的話,可以說:

Count me in! 或是 I’m in.(算我一份/我也加入)

Sure thing!(要呀、好呀、當然。)


A: Are you coming?

B: Sure thing! 


Are you organizing a farewell party for Eric?Count me in!/I'm in.

3. 如果有人干涉你或打探你的私事,你想兇對方的時候:

What’s it to you?/What of it?(關你什麼事?) 

意思就跟mind your own business或it’s none of your business(少多管閒事)一樣。由於口氣很衝,用的時候要注意對象還有場合。


有正義感的路人: Hey, leave that girl alone.(嘿,離那個女孩遠一點)

小混混:What's it to you?(關你什麼事?)

4. 很晚了,想問對方「還沒睡嗎?」可以說:

Are you still up?或是Still up?(口語)還醒著嗎?


I sat up late last night.

I stayed up late last night

5. 和朋友聚餐,想要請大家吃飯的時候,可以這樣說:

It's on me.或是This is my treat.(我請客)

6. 約會遲到了,想要跟朋友解釋自己是因為「把鬧鐘關掉以後繼續睡或是沒聽到鬧鐘的聲音,所以睡過頭了」,英文這樣說:

I am sorry but I am late. I slept straight through my alarm.

7. 早上下雨,中午不想出去吃,想問同事「要不要叫外賣」

Shall we order out?(我們要不要叫外賣?)

I feel like ordering out. What do you think?(我想叫外賣,你們覺得呢?)

8. 因為重感冒而打電話去公司請假的時候,可以怎麼說?

I'm afraid (that) I'm going to be out sick today. I've got a nasty cold. I hope you don't mind.

I won't be able to come in today. I've come down with a bad cold.


Nancy called in sick this morning.(Nancy早上打電話來請病假。)

He is out sick today.(他今天請病假。)

He is off today.(他今天休假。)


I'd like to take a day off/take a leave/take a personal day on November 2.(我11月2號那天想要請事假。)



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