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  1. Don’t compare your life with others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time. 別拿你的人生和別人的比較。太陽和月亮沒有可比性。它們都在屬於自己的時刻發光。

文句選自《Amazingtalker》: https://tw.amazingtalker.com/blog/zh-tw/zh-eng/32479/

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To be conscious that you are ignorant of the facts is a great step to knowledge. 意識到你對真相的無知,是通往知識的一大步。---前英國首相Benjamin Disraeli

文章轉自《經理人》: https://www.managertoday.com.tw/quotes/author/view/2558

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Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.今天就改變你的人生!不要寄望將來,立即行動,停止拖延。-法國作家、社會理論家Simone de Beauvoir


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We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses. 除非我們接受現況,否則無法改變任何事。怨天尤人無法讓自己得到解脫,只會讓人心情更沉重。-瑞士心理學家Carl Jung

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The most painful moment in my life also became the moment I showed the most strength and courage.

我人生最痛苦的時刻,也是我展現最多力量與勇氣的時刻。---小說家 Cecelia Ahern

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Don't worry about people stealing your design work. Worry about the day they stop.

別擔心你的作品被抄襲。該擔心的是,他們不再想抄襲你---網站設計師 Jeffrey Zeldman

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Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.---微軟創辦人 Bill Gates

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I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.我把自己的成功歸功於──從不尋找或接受任何藉口。---英國護士和統計學家
Florence Nightingale

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Chase the Vision, not the money. The money will end up following you.追求你的願景,而非金錢。財富自然會追上你。-Zappos執行長

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If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.如果你覺得自己太渺小,無法讓事情有所不同,試著跟一隻蚊子睡覺吧!-西藏精神領袖Dainzin Gyaco

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Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.只是知道不夠,我們必須會應用。只是有意願也不夠,必須採取行動。-著名德國作家

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Failure is an event, not a person.世上只有失敗的事,沒有失敗的人。-美國著名勵志作家Zig Ziglar

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每件負面的事 - 壓力、挑戰 - 都讓我更提升自己。

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The liar’s punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.給騙子的懲罰,絕不是他不被別人相信,而是他無法相信任何人了。-愛爾蘭劇作家Bernard Shaw(1856 年 - 1950 年)



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The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.

你能給孩子最棒的禮物,就是責任的根、以及獨立之翼。-美國激勵演說家Denis Waitley


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“For a gallant spirit there can never be defeat.”

– Wallis Simpson, Socialite

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