Top-end French piano maker Pleyel, whose instruments were used by the likes of Frederic Chopin, Claude Debussy and Franz Liszt, recently announced it will end production by the end of the year.
Founded in 1807 by Ignaz Pleyel, a composer who was a student of Joseph Haydn, the firm has fallen victim to cheaper options offered by Chinese, South Korean and other Asian manufacturers.
The company said it was shutting its workshop in the northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis "given the recurring losses incurred and the very low level of business".
Pleyel has manufactured nearly 250,000 pianos over two centuries. It recently focused on luxury and custom-made pianos in a bid to stay afloat. But production has steadily dwindled from nearly 140 instruments a month in 2000 to about two at present.
The pianos have hefty price tags, ranging from 42,000 euros to 200,000 euros. Pleyel is often referred to as the "Ferrari of pianos" in France.
The Pleyel moniker features on several Paris sites including a famed concert hall near the Champs-Elysees, a metro station and a skyscraper at Saint-Denis.
fall victim to:動詞片語,指受到(某事)嚴重影響或打擊,如She fell victim to the flu.(她得了感冒。)
afloat:形容詞,原指漂浮在水面上,引申為指有足夠的金錢繼續下去、免於負債的,如The inheritance kept them afloat for years.(這筆遺產讓他們多年衣食無虞。)
moniker:名詞,非正式用語,指名字、綽號,如He earned the moniker "Gator" from his days wrestling alligators in Florida.(他曾在佛州與鱷魚搏鬥,因而贏得了「鱷魚」這個綽號。)