
聯合翻譯 引用自


1. Using questions to solve problems. Instead of starting with, "We're not reaching our sales target," begin by questioning on everything relating to the current process. Who is involved, what is the fundamental hypothesis and whether there is room for experimentations? Get your team into the “think of problems as questions” mindset, so they shift away from the typical and come up with new ideas and strategies.
1. 以詢問方式重新詮釋問題所在。與其說「我們未達到目標數字。」不如盡你所能問關於目前的進度,誰參與,基本假設是什麼, 和還有什麼空間去嘗試不同的東西。讓你的團隊去思考的問題是需要答案的問題,讓他們擺脫陳腐的策略,並提出一些新的東西。


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