
Fancy livingunderwater? Don't hold your breath

Fabien Cousteau and his team of oceanographers spent 31 days living and working underwater, breaking the previous record of 30 days. But why? And what was it like?

Rob and Finn discuss living underwater - and explain some related vocabulary.


Read and listen to the story online


Fancy v. 幻想; 當朋友在想像一段不可能會發生的事情,我們中文常常講說,你很會幻想耶! 這個幻想的動作就是fancy。這個字還有另外一種形容詞的用法,就是當你看到朋友出席一個舞會穿的衣服非常華麗而且又閃閃發亮,就可以說“Your dress is so fancy! 同樣地,也可以用在其他物品上,像是貼鑽的手機殼。

Hold your breath 摒住呼吸; 當我們在游泳的時候,我們常說的憋氣,就是hold your breath Hold這個動詞基本上就是把某件事情暫停,hold your breath就是把你的呼吸暫停。這也就是為什麼有hold住姐啦,因為她常常講一講話就突然不動或暫時停止。常常聽到的其他用法如下:

Hold on 稍等一下

Hold on tight 抓緊了!

Hold back 抑制; 克制; 不發揮全力

Hold up 叫別人別動; 暫停一下


Oceanographer n. 海洋學家; 專門研究海底生態的專家,很多各行各業專家的結尾都是grapher,比如說,photographer

Break record 打破紀錄; break大部分時候的意思都是'破壞',而record都是指一種紀錄,不管是學習紀錄、還是比賽紀錄,只要是跟'紀錄' 相關的都是record。那有些人也許會問,那在學校的成績單,是不是叫做score record? 在這裡跟大家解答,學校的成績單有另外一個單字叫做transcript,而transcript上面有你每一科成績的record。另外,常常聽到的break用法如下:

Break the rule 破壞規矩; 犯法

Break down 東西 ‘壞掉’

Break up 分手

Break free 衝破某種束縛而獲得解放

Break out 爆發出來; 不一定是實體物品,也可以是消息的爆發或是揭露,就想是這次的'餿油' 事件一樣,the news break out to the public

This week's question:

What is the longest time a human being has held their breath underwater?


a) 12 minutes

b) 18 minutes

c) 22 minutes

Listen to the programme to find out the answer.


Finn: I'll tell you if you're right or wrong at the end of the programme, but…

don't hold your breath!


Rob: Haha. Don't hold your breath – a phrase which means 'don't expect that a

particular good thing will happen'. Anyway – what about these scientists –

did they hold their breath for 31 days?

Don't hold your breath 這裡的hold your breath不是真的要你暫停呼吸,意思是,要別人再事情還沒有發生之前,不要認為好事即將發生,也免之後希望落空而失落。


Finn: Haha – no – but they did live underwater in a laboratory. That's a room

or building with scientific equipment for doing tests.


Laboratory n. 實驗室; 通常我們常聽到的字眼Lab就是laboratory的縮寫。

Finn: Fabien said he wanted to break his grandfather's record to raise

awareness of ocean conservation – protecting and looking after the


Raise awareness 引起注意; raise這個動詞的意思是把一件事情或是物品拿上檯面,awareness則是對於一個事情的知曉。常常聽到的raise用法如下:

Raise someone up 把某人養育長大成人; 這裡的raise就像是把小孩慢慢教養帶大,把他們從一個平凡家庭中,養大成人帶上這個世界舞台的檯面上,讓大家認識他們。

Raise your hand 把你的手舉起來

Raise a question 提出一個問題


Fabien Cousteau: Oceanographer

Aquarius is very unique in that it's the only undersea marine laboratory – it gives us a unique platform from which to live and explore this final frontier on our planet.

Unique adj. 獨特的; 獨一無二的; 這個形容詞也可以用在人身上,當你覺得你的朋友擁有非常特別的氣質或是個性,你就可以說“You have very unique traits and personality.

Undersea 海底; under為起頭的字眼,通常都是指'在…底下',其他常常聽到的字眼如下:

Underwater 水底

Undercover 臥底

Underwear 底褲; 內衣


Final frontier 這個字眼是由電視劇Star Trek來的,一開始是用來指外太空是我們人類還沒有探索的一個神祕地帶。這裡把它用來指'深層的海洋' 也是另外一個神祕的國度需要我們去發掘。

Finn: And apparently this laboratory was 18 metres under the sea in Florida...

and being there allowed them to spend less time diving and more time

observing marine life.

Allow someone to do something v. 允許某人去做某件事情; 我們常常會說,某人的幫忙可以讓我好好的休息一下,這時候,就可以說“With her help looking for the kids, it allows me to take a rest.

Marine life 水底下的生物; 通常你看到marine就是指跟海洋有關的事情,marine另外一個意思就是'海軍',在前面加上sub-就變成了submarine 潛水艇。



Finn: And coming back to dry land they had to spend 16 hours decompressing.

Decompress v. 解壓; 降壓; 這是因為當你在水底下生活了那麼久,一到陸地上,壓力是完全不一樣的,水中的壓力一定比陸地上還要高,因此這些研究員每此回到地面,就需要花費16小時的解壓才能夠重回正常的陸地生活。 Decompress是解壓,反義字就是把de拿掉,變成compress。這兩個字眼也可以用在我們在壓縮檔案時,就可以說compress files。當在解壓縮時,就可以說decompress files



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