已經有基本英文文法概念的人,不必刻意硬記介係詞怎麼用,只要在平時閱讀時候多加留意,看到介係詞就圈起來,多想一下,例如:為什麼成功的關鍵是key to the success、在家工作用working from home,而working from home 和 working at home又有何區別?持續的觀察自然會培養出對介係詞的感覺。 至於很容易用錯的介係詞以及用錯的三個原因,整理了給大家參考:
1. 我們討論了計畫。
(X)We discussed about the plan.
(O)We discussed the plan.
2. 他提到那個計畫案了嗎?
(X)Did he mention about the proposal?
(O)Did he mention the proposal?
3. 我看見她進了銀行。
(X)I saw her enter into the bank.
(O)I saw her enter the bank.
4. 我怎麼與你聯繫?
(X)How can I contact with you?
(O)How can I contact you?
1. 這事很難處理。
(X)This matter is difficult to deal.
(O)This matter is difficult to deal with.
2. 他不是個可靠的人。
(X)He is not a man to be depended.
(O)He is not a man to be depended on.
3. 他的話值得一聽。
(X)What he said is worth listening.
(O)What he said is worth listening to.
4. 你贊成她的選擇嗎
(X)Do you approve her choice?
(O)Do you approve of her choice?
1. 太陽從東方升起。
(X)The sun rises from the east.
(O)The sun rises in the east.
2. 我5分鐘之後會到。
(X)I will be there after 5 minutes.
(O)I will be there in 5 minutes.
3. John有經驗做這類的事。
(X)John has experience in this sort of thing.
(O)John has experience with this sort of thing.
4. 在他的幫助下,我及時做完了。
(X)Under his help, I finished it in time.
(O)With his help, I finished it in time.
working at home是指你在家這個地點工作。
working from home則是表示你主要工作是在公司,但是可能因為某些情況,你在家工作,但是還是會將工作成果或報告寄回去公司。