Break out the party favors and the bubbly it's almost time to ring in the New Year! Here's a quick glance at the famous New Year's Eve events that will be taking place across the world. The big ball descending in Times Square is watched by a million people in the flesh, and a billion more around, and if New York is the refined parent at New Year's Eve, then Berlin is the drunken uncle. Over a million people gather for Berlin's overwhelming celebration, with a massive fireworks display, music, dancing, light shows, international food stands, and beer tents. As the heart of the entertainment district, Shibuya is unquestionably the party heartland of Tokyo — almost one million people attended last year's fireworks display, which was watched by millions more via television globally. Also, where better to spend a legendary New Year than London, the epicenter of international timekeeping. As the main event in a city which has hundreds of New Year's celebrations to choose from, we felt the London Eye will be one of the top places to be. With so many people gathering in one place after a few hours of drinking, you can guarantee an electric atmosphere and the sort of amicability which means you can start chatting to a beautiful stranger and see where the night takes you. If you want to discover how a New Year's party is thrown in Asia, this is a pretty good place to be with friends. Bangkok is unique, as it celebrates New Year three times every year between January and April — Western, Chinese and Thai. Central World explodes with concerts, food stalls and beer gardens, while Sanam Luang, located opposite the Grand Palace, has an authentically Thai experience with traditional food, music and dancers. From around 9 p.m., the place to be is Paris. People flock from across France bringing drinks with them. From here, you can get a great view of the Eiffel Tower being turned into a giant pyrotechnic display, as well as the inevitable fireworks show. With an atmosphere described as "bon enfant" (harmless), it's going to be a typically refined celebration by the French. It may lack the unadulterated hedonism of Las Vegas, but if there is a more romantic and refined way to celebrate the new year with thousands of other people, we couldn't find it. Sin City gets just a little bit more debauched (if that were possible) as the strip is pedestrianized for a massive party, complete with fireworks, sound and light shows, and more clubs than you could visit in a dozen trips. Hundreds of thousands of revelers turn up in the evening, and you can be sure the party is going to get a little crazy — it isn't called Sin City for nothing. At midnight, a massive fireworks display will grab your attention. And for once, it's cool to drink on the streets; everyone else will be doing it. 紐約時代廣場的水晶球從天而降那一幕,吸引一百萬人到場觀看以及逾十億人守在電視機前。在跨年夜,若把紐約喻為優雅的雙親,那麼柏林就是酩酊大醉的叔叔。為了迎接新年,屆時將有逾一百萬人齊聚在柏林大肆狂歡一翻,共同欣賞精彩的煙火秀、音樂、舞蹈、燈光秀、各國美食攤以及啤酒棚。 譽為娛樂聖地的澀谷,毫無疑問為東京舉辦派對的中心,去年的煙火秀就吸引將近一百萬人到場觀看,而全球有數百萬人收看電視轉播。然而說起跨年,沒有比倫敦更好的地方了,該城市可是全球跨年倒數的重鎮。倫敦有上百個迎接新年的慶祝活動,其中我們認為倫敦眼是跨年的絕佳地點。有如此眾多的民眾在喝了幾小時的酒後,聚在同一個地方,而現場氣氛保證是既熱烈又友善,這也意味著你可以和迷人的陌生人聊天,好好享受這個夜晚。 如果你想知道亞洲怎麼辦新年派對的話,曼谷是個與朋友相聚的好去處。曼谷慶祝的獨特之處在於它在每年的一月至四月間,會舉辦三次新年慶祝活動—有西式、中式與泰式。中央世界購物中心會有熱鬧的音樂會、小吃攤與啤酒花園;而位於大皇宮對面的皇家田廣場,則有傳統泰式料理、音樂與舞者,充滿濃濃的泰國風。 到了晚上九點左右,該去慶祝的地方就是巴黎,大夥紛紛從法國各地湧入,並且自備啤酒。到了這裡,你可以一覽艾菲爾鐵塔光彩奪目的燈光秀,以及欣賞每年必備的煙火。這是法國人典型的慶祝方式,現場氣氛充滿了優雅與和善。雖然少了拉斯維加斯的享樂主義氣息,不過在巴黎以這種更為浪漫與典雅,並與上千名陌生人歡度新年的方式,在賭城卻看不見。 萬惡之城多了點放蕩(如果可以的話),整條街將封起來舉辦大型派對,並且施放煙火與聲光秀,而且俱樂部多到就算你來十二次也光顧不完。上萬名狂歡者在夜晚紛紛出籠,這保證會是一場瘋狂的派對—萬惡城市之名得來絕非空穴來風。到了午夜,盛大的煙火將會吸引你的目光。然後在街上喝酒,就這麼一次,是件很酷的事,而且每個人也都會這麼做。
- Jul 18 Mon 2011 13:00
Paris, Tokyo 巴黎 東京
準備大開派對與享受香檳了,因為要準備歡慶新年的到來囉! 以下是在新年前夕,全球著名的跨年慶祝活動,