If everyone over the age of 50 ate an apple a day, 8,500 deaths from heart attacks and strokes could be avoided every year in the UK, say researchers.
Apples would give a similar boost to cardiovascular health as medicines, yet carry none of the side-effects, the University of Oxford researchers say in the BMJ.
Any fruit should work, but getting people to comply could be challenging.
More than two-thirds of adults do not eat the recommended five portions of fruit and veg a day, population surveys suggest. And although nine in 10 of us do manage to eat at least one portion a day, Dr Adam Briggs and colleagues, from the British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group at Oxford University, say we would all benefit from eating more.
By their calculations, if adults of all ages could manage to eat an extra portion of fruit or veg a day, as many as 11,000 vascular deaths could be averted each year.
boost:名詞,增加。例句:Passing my driving test was such a boost to my confidence.(通過駕駛測驗讓我信心大增。)
comply:動詞,遵守。例句:There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.(未能遵守規範將受到嚴厲懲罰。)
manage:動詞,設法做到。例句:Can you manage dinner on Saturday?(週六你能來吃晚餐嗎?)