聯合翻譯 引用自 自由時報 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=766377&day=2014-03-30
An advertisement by Google depicting two childhood friends who are tearfully reunited following their separation during the partition of India and Pakistan has gone viral online, reflecting demands in the two countries for closer people-to-people ties.
The 3:33-minute video, titled "Reunion", has racked up more than 10 million hits since it was posted a few months ago.
It revolves around the friendship of two boys who were separated 66 years ago following the South Asian subcontinent’s independence from British colonial rule and its subsequent partition. The advertisement explains how the two fictional characters are brought together by younger relatives using Google searches to reunite the pair.
After the India-based man tells his grand daughter about how he and his friend used to steal "jhajariya" (a type of sweet) from a shop close to "an old gate" in Lahore, the girl uses the clues to search on Google and eventually track down his long lost friend.
The 1947 partition separated hundreds of thousands of families in India and Pakistan. The two South Asian neighbours fought three wars since they became two separate entities. Pakistan and India kicked off peace talks in 2004 which saw the easing of cross-border travel rules but often militant-led attacks in India have become a stumbling block towards normalisation of bilateral ties.
partition:(不可數)名詞,指分開、劃分、分割,把國家劃分為不同的政治單位,如the partition of Korea into North and South Korea(韓國被劃分成南韓和北韓。)
revolve around (someone or something):片語,以某人或某事為主題或重心,如Her world revolves around her work.(她的世界完全繞著工作打轉。)
stumbling block:名詞,指絆腳石、困難、阻礙物或障礙,如Lack of funds is a major stumbling block to the project.(這個計畫最大的障礙在於缺乏資金。)
聯合翻譯 引用自 自由時報 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=766377&day=2014-03-30