
聯合翻譯 引用自



  • “I’m wondering if I …" Jack said. (傑克說:「我想知道我是否 …」)
  • A credit card stolen from a man in Taipei was used to pay for a Chinese meal 18 hours later … in Los Angeles. (一張在台北竊自一名男子的信用卡,18 小時後在洛杉磯被用來支付一頓中式餐飲的賬單)
  • The ceremony honored ten brilliant athletes … visiting the U.S. (這項儀式表揚了十位正在美國訪問的傑出運動員)
    - 原句可能是:The ceremony honored ten brilliant athletes from Taiwan who were visiting the U.S. (這項儀式表揚了十位正在美國訪問、來自台灣的傑出運動員),其中省略了 “from Taiwan who were",並代之以省略符號。


  • The management blamed the workers’ sit-in for one thing – Paul’s incitement. (破折號取代冒號)
  • No one was killed in the explosion – the only damage was a house that was razed to the ground. (破折號取代分號)
  • A credit card stolen from a man in Taipei was used to pay for a Chinese meal 18 hours later – in Los Angeles. (破折號取代省略符號)


聯合翻譯 引用自


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