
聯合翻譯 引用自


A:在英文中,許多功能都是藉由標點符號來達成,句子的延伸亦然。我們可以使用冒號 (colon) (:)、分號 (semicolon) (;)、破折號 (dash) (–) 和省略符號 (ellipsis) (…) 來延伸句子,把想要表達的東西都寫在同一句。此外,值得一提的是,冒號後面第一個字通常大寫,而分號後面第一個字則一定小寫。請看下面的敘述:


  • There are three pets in the house now: A cat, a dog, and a hamster. (現在屋內有三隻寵物:一隻貓、一隻狗和一隻倉鼠)
  • The management blamed the workers’ sit-in for one thing: Paul’s incitement. (資方把工人靜坐示威歸咎於一件事:保羅的煽動)

使用分號可以起轉折 (transition) 作用而不必開始一個新的句子來敘述兩件相關的事物。分號的轉折作用比句點來得好。例如:

  • My professor did not approve of my App; he found it completely useless. (我的教授不贊同我寫的 App;他認為那個應用程式毫無用處)
  • No one was killed in the explosion; the only damage was a house that was razed to the ground. (無人在爆炸中喪命;唯一的損壞是一間房子被夷為平地)

由於分號具有轉折作用,因此分號的後面往往接 however, therefore, consequently, of course, for example, as a result, on the contrary 等轉折詞,做為句子前半部和後半部的橋樑。例如:

  • I am leaving now; however, I will be back on Friday to come to your birthday party. (我現在要離開了;不過,我禮拜五會回來參加你的生日派對)
  • I talked with my best friend until the early hours; consequently, I overslept. (我跟我最要好的朋友聊到凌晨;結果我睡過頭了)
  • Angela is in your class; of course, you know her. (安琪拉和你同班;你當然認識她)
  • John does not loathe wrestling; on the contrary, he quite likes it. (約翰並不討厭摔角;相反地,他相當喜歡摔角)


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