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Last year, as reported by Taipei Times, the sales of food products in 7-11 topped even those of MacDonald’s, with a total of NT $25 billion. This impressive statistics brings along fierce competitions from “Family Mart.”
Family Mart, established in 1988, (1) goes with the flow; in the township of Jenai, Nantou County, it has a 500 ping outdoor seating area for visitors to look at the Cherry Blossoms. In Sun Moon Lake, the stores sell assortments of pineapple cakes and Kinmen Kaoliang for the Mainland Chinese visitors. In fact, it’s also the only store that has brought its business into the funeral parlor. Operating 12 hours only each day. It’s serviced by three handicapped employees to provide a gateway for the challenged to have an employment opportunity.
1988年在台灣建立的全家便利商店,其經營方針採順應潮流方式; 在南投縣仁愛鄉,有500坪戶外座位區,供遊人觀賞櫻花。日月潭的分店會賣鳳梨酥, 金門高粱酒給前來觀光的中國旅客。最特殊的就是它是目前唯一將其業務帶至殯儀館內經營的超商。每天只營業12小時。由三位身心障礙者負責, 為身心障礙人士提供了一個就業管道。
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