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Take 7-11 for example, the once mini chain convenience store has since evolved into a multimillion-dollar enterprise. Once selling snacks, (B) signature hotdogs and tea eggs, it started to (C) branch out upon realizing that working people and students tend to frequent the stores for a quick purchase. The stores’ increase in profits meant increase in space. And now 7-11s all over Taiwan have the convenience of multiple seating, bathrooms and everything from ATM services to postal services.
就拿7-11為例,這個早期只是小型連鎖便利商店,已經發展成為價值不斐的的企業。原來只賣零嘴,招牌熱狗和茶葉蛋的 7-11 開始展店,是因為意識到上班族和學生希望便利帶來的商機。利潤越做越大,跟著空間自然也就越來越寬敞。現在台灣的7-11不僅提供座位、廁所外,還有從提款機到郵政服務等多項便利服務。
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