
[Express English] What would be your ideal marriage proposal? 你夢想中最棒的求婚是甚麼樣子呢?



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相信每個女生戀愛到後來,跟一個男生愛情長跑了幾年後,都渴望能有個浪漫又夢幻的婚禮。在這之前,當然,希望男生可以精心策畫一段讓自己意想不到的求婚。由於有很多的愛情電影,尤其是好萊塢得一些橋段,無非是想逼死我們這些男生阿! 比如說在海邊漫步,突然間,地上出現了用小蠟燭圍成的愛心,這個時候,女主角在驚訝之余,男主角以迅雷不及掩耳的速度掏出好幾克拉,大約十斤的鑽石戒指 (明明戒指盒又大又厚,最好是可以神不知鬼不覺的藏在身上不被發現),接下來,就是下跪的戲碼。想必男主角平時應該都有在健身,要不然,以超慢速度下跪,大腿應該會瞬間抽筋! 話說,在這些橋段的同時,蠟燭竟然不會被海風吹熄,可見擋風設備有到位。 唉,這些橋段要男生們實踐在真實生活中,真的需要沙盤演練個半年,而且,女主角還不一定會say yes@_@

不管怎麼樣,求婚的戲碼是一定需要有的,因為,結婚的時候,FAQ的第一題目,就是他是怎麼求婚的? 第二題目就是,那你們甚麼時候要生? 接下來的日子,就是無止盡的被問甚麼時候要生下一胎?



What would be your ideal marriage proposal?

Here's what people in London said:


A memory of proposing:


"It was all in the heat of the moment, actually. I blurted it out - 'would you marry me?' andafterwards, I remember thinking: what have I said? And although she didn't say 'yes',I knew that she was happy to marry me."


What's your ideal proposal?


"The ideal way, it just has to be simpleand natural. It's not something really like fancy movies or on his knee or on the sea or under the moon.No, just simple."


"Something really normal, I think. I don't like all the whole romantic stuff. I kind of think it's all been done. I'd rather if we're just having a chat and he just throws it into the conversation. I think I'd really like that! "


Now tell us, what would be your ideal marriage proposal?

Join the online conversation at


Let’s dig in!


I think most of women like surprises. That is why the interviewees feel that proposal does not have to be very fancy. They just want their partners to say “will you marry me?” in an ordinary situation. They do not really care about the whole romantic stuff, throwing the words into the conversation would just be enough. The most important thing is that their men really mean it and are ready to commit themselves to their women for the rest of their life. All other romantic and fancy setup are just additional and could be deemed as unnecessary to some women.


Word bank


Heat of the moment 當下一時的衝動

When you are on the heat of the moment, you could do something that unexpected.



Blurt it out 脫口而出

It is hard to keep a secret because sometimes you just blurt it out.



On his knee 把膝蓋跪在地上,通常用在求婚時,男生下跪的動作

Men usually get on their knee when asking their women to marry them.



Throws it into the conversation 在聊天中,隨興且沒有預警的說出來


Tell me about it…


What is your most ideal proposal?

How did you propose to your wife?

Where did your proposal take place?

When do you think is the best time to propose to your girlfriend?




A man who wants to make a relationship work will move mountains to keep the woman he loves – Greg Behrendt



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