You can do that, can't you?
We should all be responsible for the result, shouldn't we?
附加問句tag questions是「拴緊」對話非常好的一種方式,溝通說服的過程的每個步驟,用附加問句確保 對方同意你的觀點、習慣說Yes。
You speak English, don't you?
You will come to dinner, won't you?
She must stay, mustn't she?
You don't like dogs, do you?
They weren't late, were they?
You haven't been to Japan, have you?
He never showed up, did he?(他一直沒出現,對嗎?)
You hardly go in town, do you?(你幾乎不進市區,對不對?)
I barely know you, do I?(我幾乎不認識你,對嗎?)
到底是Yes還是No ?
創造Better Performance的附加問句
團隊合作溝通,只顧著自己想講的是行不通的。適時用問句觀察同仁反應,確保大家on the same page,也拴緊對話。
The due date is April 3rd, isn't it? (期限是四月三號,對嗎?)
We're going to talk about this issue on Monday's meeting, aren't we?(我們周一會議上會討論,對嗎?)
You'll give me a call by the end of this week, won't you?(你這禮拜會打給我,對嗎?)
It makes sense to get the issues out in the open, doesn't it?(讓問題透明化才合理,不是嗎?)
You don't mean what you said, do you?(你心裡不是那個意思,對嗎?)
We should make every effort to make sure the customer is satisfied, shouldn't we?
The more efficient we are, the more time we can plan for ourselves, isn't it?
You would like to be trusted and handled important task, wouldn't you?
You decide how you want to be treated, don't you?(你自己決定別人怎麼對你,不是嗎?)