
[6 Minute English] 當你在看世足賽的時候,你知不知道有哪些足球相關的英文,讓你可以跟外國人聊上兩句呢?



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世足賽終於進入八強賽了!!!!!! 不知道大家有沒有時間收看呢? Well, 因為這次的賽事都是在凌晨舉行,所以,似乎大家關心的程度比四年前還要冷了許多。不過,相信還是有很多的足球迷,排除萬難的準時收看。在看世足賽的同時,大家不知道有沒有注意一些足球相關的英文怎麼說呢比方說,你知道守門員的英文是goalkeeper?  而前鋒又怎麼說呢前鋒叫做strikerStrike當作動詞使用時,有 “擊出” 或是出擊” 的意思。因此這個動詞可以也可以用在棒球上。 而我們所謂的三振出局,就是strike out。意思就是揮棒strike了三次結果被判出局 out。另外,on strike又是完全不同的用法,意思是罷工。通常會搭配go + on strike就是 “開始” 罷工。Anyways, 今天我們會跟大家分享,有哪些足球用語可以用來跟外國人討論足球的~


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Rob: Hello I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. The World Cup is on. I love football and that's what we are going to talk about today. Let's kick off the programme with Pele!


Something is on 就表示某件事情已經開始進行了,在這裡是指 世足賽已經開打了。

For example, the movie is on; the game is on; the TV show is on

Kick off 的意思是正式開始某件事情,通常自己就是起頭的人。這可以用在生活上也可以用在工作上,比如說你是一個活動的主要負責人,當你上台開頭介紹並開場的時候,你就是在做kick off的動作。For example, we are going to kick off this event with an inspiring speech. 或者是 Let’s kick off this party with the number one song of the year.




Pele, Brazilian football player:

I was invited to go to Italy, to Spain. I was okay in Santos, it was my team. The team used to win almost all the tournaments. And then I never have, you know, desire to play outside Brazil or to play for money.




Play for money 則是指一個選手為了錢而踢球,就是以踢球賺錢的意思。


Rob: So that's Pele, one of the most celebrated football players in the world. And I've invited Grace, my Brazilian colleague, to have a chat about football in her home country.


Celebrated 在這裡不是指慶祝,而是有名的意思。就跟名人的英文是celebrity一樣的意思。

Have a chat 就是輕鬆隨興的聊一聊,聊一下。



Grace: As far as football goes, Pele's record speaks for itself, Brazilians love him; but when he talks about politics, well, he's often criticised. But you started – you kicked off – the programme talking about Pele, so of course our quiz question today is about this fantastic player.


Speaks for itself 在這裡是指Pele因為非常的有名,所以他的記錄已經偉大到可以為他發聲。

Criticise 的意思是 批評 或是 給予一些反對的意見。


Rob: Okay, well, shoot!


在這裡 shoot 的意思是叫另外一個人快點做接下來的事情或是動作,跟go ahead的意思一樣。在這裡Rob是要Grace快點出題。


Grace: How many goals did Pele score in his career? Was it…


a) About 700 goals

b) About 1,200 goals

c) About 1,600 goals


Goals 的意思就是得分


Grace: We’ll find out if you are right or wrong a bit later. Now let’s get this ball rolling and talk about football.


Let’s get this ball rolling 表面的意思是讓這個球繼續滾動,另外一個層面就是 將我們現在討論的話題像是球一樣不間斷地討論下去。



Grace: Yes, although, he did end his career with the New York Cosmos. In any case, Pele said he didn't play for money. When he said that he was already well known and had some money in his pocket, but Pele came from poverty.


Well known 就是為人所知的意思

Had some money in his pocket 在這裡pocket的意思不是真的口袋,而是我們常常在說的口袋很深,就是有點錢啦!

Poverty 則是貧窮的意思。Came from poverty 就是來自貧窮的家庭或是出生窮困。


Daniel Gallas, Brazilian sports reporter:

Football is very important for social mobility in Brazil because not many people have the chance to move from poverty into higher classes. For a while football was also a profession which young men could follow through a proper career that they wouldn't have in other areas. But nowadays middle class guys are becoming well known.


Social mobility 意思就是有能力在社會階層往上爬,從一個階層移動到另一個階層。

Middle class 就是中產階層

High class 是上流階層



Rob: Lucky them! They do earn their money but they are very exposed when they play. Supporters can be very demanding. I know I am. I want to see my team score goals!


Exposed 就是指 這些足球員的身價或是身家都是無法遮掩的

Demanding 的意思是 足球迷們對於他們喜歡球星的需求很大,或是期望很高


Daniel Gallas, Brazilian sports reporter:

Brazilians like to see attacking football. They want to see strikers like Ronaldo, Bebeto, Romario always aiming for the goal and not just passing the ball around from one side to the other or backwards… they just want to move forward all the time. Brazilians don't tend to boast too much about their goalkeepers.


Boat  自誇的意思,在這裡是指巴西人在看足球的時候,並不會特別注意守門員。他們比較喜歡看 Attacking football “進攻式的打法。

Move forward 就是指一個隊伍不斷的往對手陣營前進,不斷的進攻。



Rob: So we have the goalkeepers – the players who are between the goalposts.


Goalposts 就是指球門兩邊的球框/


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