[6 Minute English] 今年的世足賽在巴西舉行,你可否知道巴西有名的音樂類型呢?
聯合翻譯 引用自http://elitelovebbc.pixnet.net/blog/post/185607372
講到巴西的音樂類型,我想很多人第一個會想到熱情洋溢的森巴還有森巴舞,也因為如此,所以很多巴西人都非常的熱情,如同我們對南半球人們的觀感一樣,講到這裡,我不禁wonder是不是住在越熱帶的國家,人就會越熱情呢? 就像台灣,普遍的人也都覺得南部人比較熱情一樣。 Anyways,巴西音樂除了森巴之外,你可否知道在海灘上、陽光下、美景前所播放的巴薩諾瓦Bossa Nova也是源自於巴西呢? 相信在台灣很多人都有聽過小野麗莎所唱的Bossa Nova,裡面有一首歌個人也非常的喜歡,就是 The Girl from Ipanema,這首歌輕柔中帶點輕快,聽起來完全沒有壓力,而且感覺會讓人心靈放鬆,彷彿置身於度假天堂一樣,讓你忘掉一時的煩惱憂愁。 在觀賞今年的世足賽時,大家不仿一起來聽一聽巴西的音樂,激動快樂的時候,聽聽森巴,休息放鬆的時候,聽聽巴薩諾瓦。
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Rob: …Brazilian music! Ah… the samba…! And I'm joined today by Grace, from Brazil. Hi Grace.
Samba 森巴
Grace: Hi Rob. Can you sing well? Or do you usually sing, let's say, out of tune like me?
Can you sing well? 就是問別人,你唱歌好不好聽?
相反的,如果你要說一個人五音不全的話,就說,He/She sings out of tune。
Out of something 就是表示 走樣/走鐘,tune就是指音律,也是music的統稱。現在很多人用Apple的產品,所以應該會使用到iTune這個軟體,而iTune的Tune就是指音樂庫。
Rob: Out of tune, so you mean singing or playing notes that are at the wrong pitch. Yes, I definitely sing out of tune.
通常我們在彈奏任何樂器的這個動作,都是用play這個動詞。Play piano, play saxophone, play violin,不像中文還要分用彈的,還是用拉的,還是用吹的。
Out of tune 也可以是走音的意思,不管是唱歌走音還是play music instrument走音。
Pitch 的意思就是我們唱歌常說的升key降key的key,pitch是比較正式的說法。
Rob: A recording artist – so that’s a singer or musician who creates and releases music either through a record label or independently. She does indeed have a very beautiful voice.
Recording artist 就是我們所謂的專輯歌手,有經過專業訓練,在錄音室錄製過專輯並發行的歌手,就可以是一位recording artist。
Release 在這裡是指 將做好的音樂 “發行出去” ,也可以用在電影上,比如說,The movie, X-men, was released last Friday. Let’s go check it out tonight!
Record Label 就是我們說的發行商,比如說,蔡依林的record label是華納唱片。
Grace: One of the most famous bossa nova tunes is 'The Girl from Ipanema'. It was composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes. Do you know the song, Rob?
Compose 是指作曲,而composer 就是作曲家。
Grace: Yes. So when was the song 'The Girl from Ipanema' recorded commercially for the first time? Was it…
Commercially 是指用在商業目的上,在國外,所謂的廣告,大家通常用commercial,而不是用advertisement。因為,commercial意思是指商家用來宣傳進而達到商業目的的東西,advertisement 則是這樣東西的統稱。如果你要說某個特定的廣告,應該要用commercial (工商廣告),而節目之間的廣告時間,則叫做commercial time (工商時間)
a) in 1955
b) in 1962
c) or in 1969
Rob: OK, well, I know it's quite old so I'm going to go for 1962. You know, I've always wanted to know more about the bossa nova. How different is it from the famous Brazilian samba music?
Go for 是比較口語化的表達,意思是你的決定是…,比方說,你有三個旅遊景點在猶豫要去哪,最後你終於make your mind (想清楚了),這個時候,你就可以說 I have made up my mind. I decided to go for Taipei 101.
Monica Vasconcelos, Brazilian singer:
Samba is very energetic and full of life… and bossa nova is… It's a little smoother; it's more understated. Bossa is a combination of complex harmonies, coming from…particularly Europe and this very cool bossa groove that comes from samba. In addition to that, you have some particular themes: the sea, love… The bossa nova composers, they were into beauty.
Full of life 就是充滿生命力的
Understated 低調的
Harmony 在這裡是指音階中的和諧
Groove 是律動
Theme 是主題
They were into beauty 就是指這些bossa nova的作曲家都 “沉浸於” 美麗的事物。 Into也可以用在當你喜歡上一個人的時候,愛到沉迷/迷戀的狀態,就可以說I am into you
Rob: So smoother – that means calmer – and understated, meaning more controlled, more discreet.
Controlled 是指受控制的,也就是比較內斂、拘謹
Discreet 是謹慎的、收斂的
Grace: The lyrics – the words of the songs – were about boats sailing away, a beautiful woman walking by the beach…
Lyrics 就是指一首歌的歌詞
Monica Vasconcelos, Brazilian singer:
You take a traditional rock rhythm… and then take a samba groove… The first example is simpler, so what happens in the process of globalisation where you have rock and pop coming into different markets all over the world… you have a flattening of the local grooves which may be a bit more complex, so the simpler ideas end up taking over.
Globalization 是指全球化
Flattening means a simplifying of more complex local music,就是因為全球化的關係,流行音樂當道,打擊了當地傳統音樂,因此,這些傳統音樂為了要出頭,反而以最簡單、簡化的方式呈現自己的音樂,殺出一片天。
聯合翻譯 引用自http://elitelovebbc.pixnet.net/blog/post/185607372