[6 Minute English] Is there more of the world to explore? 這個世界上還有地方等待我們去發掘的嗎?
聯合翻譯 引用自http://elitelovebbc.pixnet.net/blog/post/186485145
exploration – that's a journey to a place to learn something new about it. It's a sort of educational trip. 今天要來探討的是exploration,也就是人類每天都在做的 “探索”。Exploration應該是源自於我們人的curiosity,就是好奇心。就是因為人類總是curious about something,我們才會有現今這樣的先進世界,充滿了許多的invention。簡單來說,有了curiosity,我們才會去explore,在探索的途中,我們就漸漸invent許許多多的新事物。Explorer是用在稱呼那些勇於冒險、探索世界的人們。在歷史上,就有一位發現新大陸的哥倫布~
Rob: Yes, Columbus was the Italian explorer who explored the Americas over 500 years ago. There are many other people who travelled around the world seeking out – or looking for – new land, people, plants and animals. But now in the 21st century, do you think there’s any more of the world left to discover?
Travel around可以用在到處旅遊,環遊世界就可以說travel around the world.
Seek out 和 look for意思相同,都是表示往外探尋、找尋的意思。另外,Seek for可以用在日常生活上,當你需要 “找人” 幫忙的時候,就可以說 I need to seek for some help。
在這裡left不是左邊的意思喔! 這裡的left是指剩下的東西。通常我們會說is there anything left? 還有剩甚麼嗎? 我們所謂的廚餘就是left-over,也可以是剩菜的意思。For example, we should stay home for dinner since there are still a lot of left-over in the refrigerator.
Finn: Yes. Sometimes it was to find new natural resources – things like oil,rubber or gold. Sometimes people wanted to find new land to occupy and build on; and sometimes people have just been inquisitive – or interested – in finding out what somewhere is like. That sounds a bit like you Rob?
為什麼人類會想要去冒險、探索世界呢? 也許是想要尋找更多的天然資源,就像是石油、橡膠、黃金。Inquisitive就跟curious的意思是一樣的,都是在說人很好奇,對於新事物總是充滿興趣。Find out的意思就是 “設法找出” 事情的端倪。
Finn: Well, I hope you do. With satellite technology and modern transport, maybe every corner of planet Earth has already been discovered and there’s nothing left to find, I wonder?
Satellite就是指衛星。Satellite的定位系統加上先進的交通運輸,Finn覺得這個世界應該沒有甚麼地方是undiscovered的。There is nothing left to find! 當你不確定一件事情的時候,就可以用I wonder,表示你提出了你的懷疑。用在日常生活上,你可以在買咖啡的時候問店員,I am just wondering if you have non-fat milk? 或者是你想要跟別人借東西的時候,I am just wondering if I could borrow your jacket?
Rob: Well, that's not something that the travel journalist, Christina Lamb, would agree with. She's seen a lot of the world but says there's still more to be discovered. Let's hear from her now. What phrase does she use to describe somewhere that hasn't been found yet?
Travel journalist就是旅遊作家。Christina Lamb是很有名的旅遊作家,他認為,這個世界還是有很多地方等待我們去發掘,there’s still more to be discovered。
There still are a few places in the world that are unexplored. I've travelled quite a lot in the Amazon and there, there really are still places where maps don't have anything on them and it says uncharted territory, which I think is the most exciting thing you can see on a map.
Unexplored就是未被探索的。Uncharted territory就是未被劃入地圖中的領域。a few places to explore – places that are not on a map! Uncharted的意思就是在形容一個東西是全新的,不曾被記錄下來過
Rob: It would be amazing – but sometimes people are already living in these places – these are the tribes – or groups of people – who have never had contact with the outside world.
Tribe是指部落的意思。在這些uncharted territory,雖然未被開發過,但是這些地方都還是有人類居住,大部分是一些土著,而他們的集居地通常被統稱為tribe
What there's always a role for, is for reinterpreting a culture – going back there for every generation. Not just because the culture has changed but the judgements and priorities of every generation of traveller has changed too.
interpret是闡明、解釋,也就是人類用自己的想法去把一件事情 “理” 出一個頭緒的動作。在這個字的前面加上re-,是表示 “重新” 闡明一個文化,知名作家Colin Thurbron就是認為,文化的變化雖然不大,但是每個人事過境遷後,對於事情的看法都會改變,每個世代對於同樣的文化也會有不同的感受和解釋。
culture – that's the way of life for a particular group of people。我們總是對事情的看法不斷的改變 we keep seeing things differently
Rob: Yes, there's always something new to discover in the world and even beyond it – people are already venturing into space, the universe – where next?
就是因為我們看事情的角度會隨著時間而有所不同,所以,Colin的論點就是,雖然世界的改變不大,但是,因為人類一直在演變,每一天對我們來說都是新的一天。現在甚至把觸角延伸 (venturing into) 到外太空space
Finn: Yes, absolutely. But I think I still need to explore my own city first – there's a lot more to discover in London before I head off to Mars!
Head off的意思是 “衝向” 某處。用在日常生活上可以說,I need to head off to work. It’s running late.
Rob: Maybe you just haven't got any wanderlust – that's the desire to travel – unlike explorer Ed Stafford. Earlier I asked you what he became the first person to do in 2011?
Wander是無目的地漫遊,lust是慾望,所以合在一起就是想要旅遊的那種衝勁、慾望。就是desire to travel
聯合翻譯 引用自http://elitelovebbc.pixnet.net/blog/post/186485145