Max離開大型廣告公司自行開立工作室,前客戶兼友人Wilson前來道賀。為表示謙虛,Max說:「It's just a little company.」Wilson聽了糾正他:「It's a small company, not a little company.」並半開玩笑地說,如果Max堅持這是little company,雙方未來就難有合作機會了!
(X) I'm just running a little company.
(O) I'm just running a small company.
說明:small用來客觀描述體積小,因此規模不大的公司以"small company"來表達,是謙虛也是事實。little雖也指「小」,但有時還帶有「微不足道、不夠看」的意味,如此形容自己的公司,會給人不認真看待事業的感覺。
例:In a small company,I have to do everything.I am the head cook and bottle-washer.(在小公司,我必須做所有的事,是校長也兼工友。)
(X) I didn't expect that I would be chosen to lead this team.
(O) I didn't expect that I would be selected to lead this team.
說明:可以用「沒有預料自己會被升官」來自謙,但「選擇」的英文須用select而非choose,因為select=carefully choose,是經慎重考慮選出,choose是在有限的選擇裡挑選,隱含隨便挑一個看起來還OK的人出來的態度,這樣講恐讓上級不滿、下屬不服。
例:John has everything going for him; therefore he was selected to fulfill this special task.(約翰各方面的條件都很好,因此被選中去執行這項特殊任務。)
(X) This car is very old,we'll try to fix it.
(O) This car is very old,we'll try to repair it.
例:If the television you purchased is within the warranty period, you may have it repaired directly in our shop.(如果您購買的電視機在保固期內,您可以直接送到我們的店面進行維修。)
文章轉自 {商業周刊}