

到底除了“I am sad.",難過還能怎麼說?讓VoiceTube小編幫你整理,一起用英文說出你的悲傷!

be/feel sad 很難過

Mandy is sad because her husband cheated on her.(Mandy 很難過,因為她老公劈腿。)

be in a bad mood 心情不好

反義為 be in a good mood,表心情很好。

Don’t talk to me when I’m in a bad mood. Just leave me alone.(別在我心情很差的時候跟我講話。讓我一個人靜一靜。)

feel blue 情緒低落

blue 表示憂鬱,feel blue 表示心情很憂鬱、鬱卒。

I suddenly feel blue, but I just don’t know why.(我突然覺得情緒很低落,可是我不知道為什麼會這樣。)

down in the dumps 心情很難受

dump (n.) 垃圾堆。可想而知,若身處在垃圾堆中,沒有人的心情會好吧?

Carol is a bit down in the dumps because she failed her final exam.(Carol 很難受,因為她期末考不及格。)

get a face like a wet weekend 看起來很不開心


What’s wrong with Pan? He’s got a face like a wet weekend.(Pan怎麼了嗎?他的臉愁雲慘霧的。)

lump in one’s throat 哽咽、想哭


When we bid farewell, I had a lump in my throat.(當我們說再見時,我哽咽了。)

feel like crying 難過到快哭了

I felt like crying because I was chewed out by my boss.(我難過到快哭了,因為我老闆剛剛痛罵我一頓。)

cry one’s heart out 哭得痛徹心扉

可以說cry one’s eyes out,表示哭到眼睛都承受不了,又紅又腫。不過,把eyes替換成heart,感覺會更強烈,有哭到痛徹心扉的意思。

When Mike got the news about his girlfriend’s death, he cried his heart out.(當 Mike 得知女友的死訊時,他哭得痛徹心扉。)



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