Steven到國外拜訪客戶。會議結束後,客戶對他說:Let’s go out and juice up tonight!「太好了!可以跟客戶培養感情」Steven點頭,心想:「不過為什麼要喝果汁?」。
He is full of the juice of life.
He ran out of juice on the last lap.
He does not have enough juice to alter the policy.
而在Steven的案例中,其實他要擔心今晚是否能全身而退,因為"juice up"代表"drink and have fun", 即「喝酒狂歡」:
Let’s go out and juice up tonight!
juice up!「讓某種東西更好、更強大」:
Let’s juice up the system!
Juice up the team and ramp up the dream.
What’s your beef this time?不是在問「你選了哪種牛肉?」
人民走上街頭,拉起大大的白布條,要求執政當局「端出牛肉」,這句話從一句英文的廣告詞延伸而來:"Where’s the beef?"這裡的beef,意指實際的政策,它還可以用來表示「力量」、「牢騷」:
What’s your beef this time?
He brings more beef to the team.
The management does not beef up the team strategically.(管理階層並沒有策略性地加強團隊能力。)
Cost-cutting measures are planned to beef up performance.(削減成本計畫是為了提升表現。)
You need to beef up your system.(你必須提高系統性能。)