smog 這個字源於英國,反映19世紀倫敦市容:燃燒大量煤炭產生 smoke(煙),結合厚重的 fog(霧)而一片霧茫茫。最駭人聽聞的事件是1952年的倫敦大霧,4,000多名民眾因呼吸困難而染病死亡。
1. smog 霧霾
A:Not all athletes managed to finish the 2014 Beijing International Marathon.
(並非每位參加2014 年北京國際馬拉松的選手都跑完全程。)
B:I can understand that. Running in that kind of smog, one could hardly breathe.
2. choke 窒息
A:When will the air pollution end? It's choking me.
B:Don't worry. Some temporary measures will be taken during the two-week APEC conference.
(別擔心,在為期兩週的APEC 會議期間,會採取一些臨時措施。)
3. hazardous 危險的;有害的
A:The air pollution in Beijing recently soared to danger levels.
B:I heard. This weather condition is not only hazardous to people's health, but also to this city's image.
( 我聽說了。這樣的天候狀況不僅有害人體健康,也危害市容。)