How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself - so always think positively.

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Failures are infinitely more instructive than successes.「失敗」比「成功」更具有啟發性。——美國知名演員

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I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.

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Life is the sum of all your choices.

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The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little 'extra'.平凡與非凡的差異是那一點的「額外努力」。——美國足球教練Jimmy Johnson

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We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.只有在我們無法發聲時,才會明白自己的聲音有多重要。——諾貝爾和平獎得主Malālah Yūsafzay

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The most painful moment in my life also became the moment I showed the most strength and courage.我人生最痛苦的時刻,也是我展現最多力量與勇氣的時刻。——小說家Cecelia Ahern

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Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.熱情就是能量。專注於令你興奮的事情,你就能感受到那股力量。——美國電視脫口秀主持人、製片人、投資家、慈善家Oprah Winfrey

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No magic, only basic.沒有神通,只有基本功。——經理人聯想集團總裁Gianfranco Lanci

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You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours.你活著不能只討好別人,每一個選項都該為自己負責。——美國知名女演員Anne Hathaway

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