Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.熱情就是能量。專注於令你興奮的事情,你就能感受到那股力量。——美國電視脫口秀主持人、製片人、投資家、慈善家Oprah Winfrey

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No magic, only basic.沒有神通,只有基本功。——經理人聯想集團總裁Gianfranco Lanci

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You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours.你活著不能只討好別人,每一個選項都該為自己負責。——美國知名女演員Anne Hathaway

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The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
成功的祕密就在於起步去做。——美國文學作家 Mark Twain


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You have to lose yourself to find yourself.

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Victims make excuses. Leaders deliver results.受害者製造藉口,領導者交付成果。——作家Robin Sharma

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The only personwho can define meaning and happiness for you is you.唯一能定義意義與快樂的,只有你自己。——《UP學》作者Marshall Goldsmith

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Life is a series of commas, not period.人生不是許多的句點,而是一連串的逗點組成的。——美國演員、電視製片人Matthew David McConaughey

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快The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.樂的首要祕訣:不要一直緬懷過去。——法國作家André Maurois

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A successful life is one that is lived through understanding and pursuing one's own path, not chasing after the dreams of others.成功的人生是理解和追求自己的道路,而不是追尋別人的夢想。——美籍華裔研究學者、企業家Chin Ning Chu

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