John: “Do you have any siblings?” (你有兄弟姐妹嗎?)
Sam: “No, I am an only child. What about you?” (沒有,我是獨生子。你呢?)
John: “I have 2 brothers and a sister!” (我有2個兄弟和1個姐妹。)
Sam: “Wow, a big family… I would have liked a sister” (哇!好大一家子...我也想要有1個姐姐或妹妹。)
John: “Yes, my brothers are both married and have kids. Family gatherings can be quite lively” (是啊,我的哥哥們都結婚了,有孩子了。家庭聚會總是很活潑熱鬧。)
Sam: “So you have nieces and nephews then?”(那麼你有侄女或侄子嗎?)
John: “Oh yes. My sister divorced my brother-in-law before they had any kids but my brothers…”(有的,我的姐姐和\姐夫離婚,他們有小孩,但是我哥哥...)
Sam: “Your parents must be very proud!”(你的父母肯定非常自豪!)
John: “It’s Gran that is most proud. Grandfather and her love to baby sit.”(Gran最讓我們自豪,祖父和她非常樂意照料孩子。)
Sam: “Do you get along with your sisters-in-law?”(你和你的嫂子相處得怎麼樣?)
John: “They are really nice. Suzie, my eldest brother’s wife is an Olympic swimmer!”(他們非常好。我的大嫂Suzie是奧林匹克游泳運動員!)
Dad’s uncle or my parents’ grandparents, would be described as ‘great-’(爸爸的叔叔或父母的祖父母,被稱為‘great-’。)
Sam: “I can’t believe that your grandparents are still alive!”(不敢相信你的祖父母還活著!)
John: “Hah! You should sit down then, because I still have both great grandparents on my mom’s side!”(哈哈,你應該坐一下,我媽媽這邊,我還有曾祖父母呢。)
Sam: “Goodness! I have a great uncle living in Canada, but I never see him”(太好了!我有一個叔叔住在加拿大,但是我從來沒有見過他。)
John: “You should get in touch. It’s great to have a sense of one’s family tree”(你應該和他保持聯繫,瞭解家譜是一件很重要的事。)
Sam: “Where do you all live?”(你們都住在哪裡?)
有很多有趣的形容詞可以用來形容家庭,比如“big”(大)、“small”(小)、“close”(近)、“estranged”(分居)、“Open”(開放)、“broken”(分開)、“nuclear”(中心) 或者“one-child”(一個孩子)。你的家庭成員是做什麼的呢?
John: “Well, Troy lives in New York and has really done well”(Troy住在紐約,他過得很好。)
Sam: “What does he do?”(他是做什麼的?)
John: “He became a lawyer right out of school and became partner of his firm within 3 years!”(他從學校畢業的時候成為了一名律師,後來三年內就成為了律師事務所的合夥人了。)
Sam: “Wow, he really has gone far quickly”(哇,他發展得很好。)
John: “My other brothers both work for my dad in the family business.”(我其他的兄弟都是家族企業的一份子。)
最後想問問你,你們家平時一起參加的娛樂活動是什麼呀?你可能會談輪到“public holidays”(公休日)、“hobbies”(嗜好)及“likes”(喜好)。可能你的家庭喜歡“picnicking”(野餐)或“riding bikes”(騎腳踏車)。
Sam: ‘Do you have any dreams to travel or work overseas?’(你夢想過到國外旅行或者工作嗎?)
John: ‘I am very happy at home. I have a good job and having weekends and public holidays off is very important to me’.(我待在國內就很開心。我有一份好工作、愉快的週末,假期對我而言很重要。)
Sam: ‘What do you do in your spare time?’(你平時閒暇時間做些什麼呢?)
John: ‘The kids keep me very busy with picnics and sports days at school’(在學校我忙著孩子野餐及運動。)
Sam: ‘Well, I envy your loving family environment!’(嗯,我很喜歡你的家庭氣氛!)