聯合翻譯引用自 自由時報電子報:http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=760723&day=2014-03-10
South African President Jacob Zuma hit out at "trigger-happy" police in an interview published Saturday, following the deaths of at least nine people since January at the hands of police cracking down on protests.
Public anger has mounted against the hard-handed police force in the run-up to a May 7 general election as Africa’s largest economy faces a wave of protests over wages and shoddy public services.
"No I am not happy, I don’t think anyone can be with trigger-happy police. It’s not good at all," Zuma said in an interview with the Independent Newspapers Group.
"The police need to be trained, specifically trained, particularly dealing with a country that is prone to protest. You need to be ready for that."
Zuma’s comments came as mining firm Anglo American Platinum confirmed one of its striking workers died in clashes with police at its operations in the northern province of Limpopo.
Zuma also raised concern about the violent nature of the protests.
"If we just criticise the police only and not talk about violent protest, I think we are missing the point," he said. (AFP)
hit out (at someone/something):動詞片語,猛烈批評某人/某事。例句:Leaders of the opposition hit out at the plans to build more nuclear power plants.(反對派領袖抨擊興建更多核電廠計畫。)
trigger-happy:形容詞,胡亂開槍的,輕易訴諸暴力的。例句:The notoriously trigger-happy police has became a threat to our society.(以亂開槍惡名昭彰的警方已經成為我們社會的威脅。)
shoddy:形容詞,低劣材料製造或製作品質低劣的,虛有其表的,假的。例句:Our company’s reputation would be tarnished by shoddy goods.(劣質商品有損我們公司的聲譽。)
聯合翻譯引用自 自由時報電子報:http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=760723&day=2014-03-10