
聯合翻譯引用自 自由時報電子報:


The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has stepped up its surveillance of senior German government officials since being ordered by Barack Obama to halt its spying on Chancellor Angela Merkel, Bild am Sonntag paper reported.


Revelations last year about mass U.S. surveillance in Germany, in particular of Merkel’s mobile phone, shocked Germans and sparked the most serious dispute between the transatlantic allies in a decade.


Bild am Sonntag said its information stemmed from a high-ranking NSA employee in Germany and that those being spied on included Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere, a close confidant of Merkel.


"We have had the order not to miss out on any information now that we are no longer able to monitor the chancellor’s communication directly," it quoted the NSA employee as saying.


To calm the uproar over U.S. surveillance abroad, President Obama in January banned U.S. eavesdropping on the leaders of close friends and allies of Washington.


Germans are especially sensitive about snooping due to their experiences in the Nazi era and in Communist East Germany, when the Stasi secret police built up a massive surveillance network.


The mass-circulation paper said the NSA was monitoring 320 people in Germany - mostly politicians but also business leaders.



bug:(俚語)動詞或名詞,竊聽器;安裝竊聽器。例句:My phone might have been bugged.(我的電話或許已遭竊聽。)

uproar:名詞,騷動,喧囂,吵鬧。例句:The shareholders’ meeting ended in uproar.(這場股東會在吵鬧中結束。)

snoop:動詞,窺探、探聽、偷窺。例句:Government has no right to snoop our private lives.(政府無權窺探我們的私生活。)


聯合翻譯引用自 自由時報電子報:


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