聯合翻譯 引用自 Taipei Times http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2014/04/09/2003587582
The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced on April 1 that smoking is now prohibited at all public parks. Kenting National Park also followed suit in carrying out the new policy. However, not having a single smoking area in the more than 400 hectares covering Kenting National Forest Recreation Area has many smokers complaining. The Pingtung Forest District Office says that it will look into the possibility of setting up smoking areas, but that for the time being smoking is still prohibited throughout the entire park.
“The intentions behind prohibiting smoking are good, but not having a single smoking area in such a vast park is excessive enforcement of the law,” said one chain-smoker surnamed Kuo in a complaint that he filed. Although smoking is not allowed in Kenting National Park’s scenic areas, there are still designated smoking areas inside. The Forest Recreation Area, however, completely prohibits smoking, which is something smokers are unwilling to accept.
The district office says that the Forest Recreation Area contains many rare tree species. Completely prohibiting smoking is in accordance with the government policy, the office says, adding that there are also fears that cigarette butts might cause fires, which is why there are not any designated smoking areas in the area. The office says that hopefully people visiting the area will do their best to enjoy the phytoncides and cast aside their cigarettes. With regard to people’s complaints that not having smoking areas is inhumane, the office says that it will look into the possibility of setting up smoking areas near the ticket office. The park also says that if tourists are caught smoking in non-smoking areas, they will receive fines of between NT$2,000 and NT$10,000.
聯合翻譯 引用自 Taipei Times http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2014/04/09/2003587582