聯合翻譯 引用自 Taipei Times http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2014/05/12/2003590112
A little over five years ago a 52-year-old woman surnamed Chen started suffering from urinary incontinence, silently enduring it until her bladder became prolapsed. A hunk of tissue was stuck at her vagina’s vulva. When the situation worsened it got so bad that the tissue was as big as a chicken egg. Chen thought that walking and exercising would improve the condition, but it only made things worse, which was when she decided to have surgery and undergo therapy. “Since I had surgery I no longer have that sensation like something is stuck down there, and I urinate pretty good now,” Chen says.
Older women typically have problems with involuntary urination, which they rarely talk about. Chen would experience incontinence when she used stairs or sneezed, and when she would get the urge to urinate it would be too late by the time she got to the toilet, so she eventually stopped going out altogether. She also had to use sanitary pads if she absolutely had to leave the house.
Eventually Chen’s bladder protruded through the vaginal opening. In recent years, regardless of whether she was standing or walking, Chen would feel stabbing pains and discomfort. Her family and friends advised her that walking and exercising would help, so she started walking for an hour every day. Her prolapsed bladder ended up getting worse, which gave her the courage to finally have surgery.
Liu Hsin-ho, a doctor in the urology department at Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, says that stress incontinence usually occurs in older women, during menopause or after childbirth because the pelvic muscles and fascia become too weak to support the bladder. The more advanced a woman is in years the worse the situation is. Most patients at clinics are over the age of 70. Women who have natural, multiple or long childbirths, or regularly stand for a long time or do heavy lifting on the job are more likely to suffer from a prolapsing bladder, Liu says. It is atypical for someone like Chen in their 40s to experience this condition, Liu says.
Liu says that doing pelvic floor exercises like the Kegel exercise is the best way to prevent oneself from developing a prolapsing bladder. Persevering and doing the exercises as early as possible in life will get the best results, Liu says, adding that the degree of prolapse is greater the worse the condition is, which makes it more difficult for surgery to work.
1. involuntary adj.
(bu2 shou4 yi4 zhi4 kong4 zhi4 de5;
bu4 you2 zi4 zhu3 de5)
例: Involuntary tics are commonly associated with Tourette’s syndrome.
2. advise v.
建議;勸導 (jian4 yi4; quan4 dao3)
例: Please advise your client to reconsider the offer.
3. persevere v.
(chi2 zhi1 yi3 heng2; bu4 qu1 bu4 nao2)
例: If we persevere we just might win the case after all.
聯合翻譯 引用自 Taipei Times http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2014/05/12/2003590112