聯合翻譯 引用自 http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2014/08/16/2003597491
After a series of setbacks, including the TransAsia Airways plane crash and gas pipe explosions in Greater Kaohsiung, Penghu County’s summer tourist season has ended earlier than usual. The Penghu National Scenic Area Administration, which is in charge of tourism in Penghu, is organizing a “Penghu beach carnival” from Sept. 13 to Sept. 21. The area for the event spans Magong Island’s Aimen, Lintou and Shihli beaches, and will hopefully offer a boost to tourism in Penghu.
After being added to UNESCO’s Most Beautiful Bays in the World Club this year, it was initially expected that tourism in Peng-hu would take off, making it an internationally recognized tourist destination. Since the TransAsia plane crash, however, along with the effects of “Ghost Month” — the seventh month of the lunar calendar — Penghu’s peak tourist season ended prematurely. The administration held a press conference on Lintou Beach on Aug. 7 to promote the upcoming carnival, which includes a series of events that are expected to revive Penghu’s tourist industry.
Taiwanese record-holding ultramarathon runner Chiu Shu-jung is serving as the event’s brand ambassador. After conquering Taiwan, Chiu has made many great achievements abroad, including ultramarathons in Greece, the Netherlands, Japan and France. She has been given the epithet “Asia’s fastest female runner.” Chiu previously ran in one of Penghu’s marathon races, and so has a special place in her heart for the area.
Carnival events include a road-running marathon race at Aimen and Lintou beaches on Sept. 13 and 14, power walking along the beaches, and a 6km and a longer 12km road-running marathon along the beach. A lifeguard championship will be held at Shihli Beach on Sept. 20 and 21. An evening gala will be held at Kuanyin Pavilion on Sept. 13 and 20 for all of the participants, with pop idols Lin Chung-hsin, Irene Luo and Mandy Tao heating up the early autumn nights. Registration, which must be done on the Internet, ends on Aug. 31. More details are available at the official “2014 Penghu international beach exercise carnival” Facebook fan page (https://www.facebook.com/2014Penghubeachcarnival).
聯合翻譯 引用自 http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2014/08/16/2003597491