聯合翻譯 引用自 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/11443795


Inside the theme park, Cony, Moon and Brown, the most popular and successful LINE sticker characters, are well placed and decorated in every corner in the forms of statue, artworks, doodles, and interactive live touch designs. More than that, shuttle buses that go from stop to stop, painted with these super stars are carrying commuters through some regions of Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan.
在這主題公園中,幾個最受歡迎的LINE貼圖人物,Cony(兔兔), Moon(饅頭人) 跟 Brown (熊大)的雕像、展示品、塗鴉還有互動式的設計都被陳列在會場的每個角落,此外,還有用這些LINE的超級明星裝飾的接駁公車會在台灣的首都,台北市裡的某些區域裡來回穿梭。


聯合翻譯 引用自 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/11443795


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