極端氣候下的「帝王級寒流」襲台,各地紛紛下起了數十年未見的雪。上山看雪的人興奮莫名,但是寒流造成的農業損害(agricultural damage)達到新高,今年的除夕圍爐恐怕要有荷包失血的心理準備。
A: When will you do the Lunar New Year shopping?(你何時要去辦農曆年貨?)
B: I have no idea. But I know that the prices of goods for this Chinese New Year will fluctuate due to the snow.(不知道耶!但我知道今年年貨的價格因為這場雪而將會波動。)
「辦年貨」的英文就用do the Lunar New Year shopping。
1. The consumers will pay more for vegetables during the Lunar New Year holidays due to the suppliers being struck by unusually cold weather.(由於蔬菜供應商遭逢不尋常的冷天,消費者將在農曆新年假期要為蔬菜多付錢。)
「為蔬菜付較多的錢」是pay more for vegetables,但是在多益測驗與國際職場裡,你必須要知道「吃素的人」是vegetarian。蔬果被寒流凍傷,受影響的首先是「供應商」,要用supplier。
* supplier (n.) 供貨商
* unusually cold weather (n.) 不尋常的冷天
* vegetarian [͵vɛdʒəˋtɛrɪən] (n.) 素食者
2. The retailers have expected the recent cold snap to push up prices for produce.(零售商預期最近的驟冷會推升農產品的價格。)
寒流或冷鋒可以用cold wave,或cold front、cold spell,以及cold snap。但是多益測驗常出現的「破音字」是「農產品」的produce,它當名詞的農產品時,讀作重音在前的[ˋprɑdjus],但是當動詞的「製造」時,則是重音在後讀作[prəˋdjus]。
* retailer (n.) 零售商
3. The prices of fruits are up by 30 percent because of reduced supply, with strawberries suffering the most damage.(由於供應下降,水果價格上升百分之30;而草莓遭到的損害最大。)
介係詞by可以用於表示變化或差異的程度。「每桶油價下跌了10%」是「The price of oil per barrel fell by 10%.」句中的because of是介係詞片語,表示「由於」。
* reduce (v.) 減少;降低
* suffer (v.) 遭受;經歷
4. The wholesale prices of some fruits have doubled compared with the same time last year.(與去年同期間相比較,某些種類水果的批發價格已漲了一倍。)
「與去年同時間相比」要用compared with the same time last year。前句的「零售」retail與此句「批發」的wholesale都值得一學。
5. Some certain foods are usually eaten at the Chinese family reunion dinner as they signify prosperity and good luck.(有些特定的食物通常在圍爐會吃,因為它們代表繁榮與好運。)
華人在除夕的圍爐、團圓飯通常是用family reunion dinner。
* signify [ˋsɪgnə͵faɪ] (v.) 表示…的意思
* prosperity [prɑsˋpɛrətɪ] (n.) 興旺,繁榮,昌盛,成功
6. Prices of the affected crops have skyrocketed following the cold waves since January.(自從一月的寒流之後,受到影響的農作物的價格已飆漲。)
* skyrocket [`skaɪ͵rɑkɪt] (v.) 飛漲、猛漲
7. The damage to milkfish stocks would not have a significant impact on the supply.(虱目魚存貨的損害對供貨不會有太大的影響。)
在國際職場裡,stock可指股票,例如股票市場是stock market,但是它也指「存貨」,「沒有庫存」是out of stock。
* impact (n.) 影響、衝擊
* milkfish (n.) 虱目魚