資料來源: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/8/12/3/n2350515.htm

找工的過程是艱苦的,尋工者往往在申請過很多工作後,才得到1 ~ 2 次面試的機會。面試的目的是估量一下你的簡歷;確認你的工作經歷、長處和短處;看看你的經驗、技術是否是公司所需要的。同時與其它面試者進行比較。



1) 面試時一定要準時到達,一般提前10分鐘與服務台聯繫,告訴接待人員你已經到達。
2) 面試前,應對招聘公司的情況有一些瞭解。一般可從網絡上搜索一下該公司的信息。
3) 穿著一定要整齊大方。應聘辦公室工作,男士要穿西裝(一般深色),女士最好穿套裝並化淡妝。切忌衣衫不整,頭髮蓬亂。
4) 不要所問非所答。不要打斷別人的問題。
5) 無論遇到什麼問題,都要想辦法把問題引向有利於推銷你自己的方向上來。
6) 要回答好面試的問題,除了技巧外,最重要的是誠實。這樣你才會做到從容不迫回答自如。


Tell me about your working history. (說說你的工作經歷)

How do you deal with pressure? (壓力面前你怎麼處理?)

How well to you work under pressure? (你會很好處理工作壓力的)

What do you expect of your future employer? (你對你今後的僱主有什麼期望?)

What would make you happy in a job? (什麼能使你□作感到快樂?)

What would you say your strengths? Any weaknesses? (請說說你的優缺點)

How do you perform under tight deadlines? (在任務很緊時,你是怎樣做的?)

What contribution do you think you could make to our company? (你認為你會為公司做出什麼貢獻?)

Do you have anything you would like to ask us? (你有問題要問嗎?)


Leisa: Hello Lee, it is nice to meet you.
Leisa: 嗨,李,很高興見到你.

Lee: Nice to meet you too.
Lee: 我也很高興見到你.

Leisa: (introducing) This is Ms. Ding.
Leisa: 這位是丁小姐.

Lee: Hello Ms. Ding.
Lee: 你好, 丁小姐。

Ding: Hello
Ding: 你好。

Leisa : We liked your resume.
Leisa: 我們覺得你的簡歷很好。

Lee: Thank you.
Lee: 謝謝。

Leisa: We have some questions for you though.
Leisa: 我們現在有些問題問你。

Lee: Okay.
Lee: 請講。

Leisa:Why do you want to work for us?

Lee: I did some research on your company. I like your products. The company』s stock is growing. I have a good feeling about working here. Everyone seems very friendly and nice.
Lee: 我對貴公司做了些瞭解。我喜歡貴公司的產品,而且公司的股票也在上漲。每個人看起來都很友善,我對在這兒工作感覺很好。

Leisa: How would you describe yourself?
Leisa: 你談談你自己?

Lee: Well, I think that I am very responsible. I』m open to feedback and like to learn new things.
Lee: 嗯,我覺得我很負責任。我也能聽取建議,也願意學新知識。

Leisa: That』s great! Could you please tell us why you left your last job?
Leisa: 很好! 你能談談你為什麼辭去上一份工作?

Lee: I liked my last job, but there were no opportunities for advancement.
Lee: 我很喜歡上一份工作,但是沒有機會升職。

Leisa: What are some of your weaknesses?

Lee: I'm shy sometimes.

Leisa: Oh,really?

Lee: Yes, but don』t worry. I』m a hard worker.

Leisa: Do you have any questions for me?

Lee: Okay, when will I know if I am hired?
Lee: 我什麼時候可以知道是否被錄用?

Leisa: Well, I still have 2 more interviews to conduct. I should know by Friday.

Lee: Great, I』ll call again on Friday. Thank you very much for your time.
Lee: 太好了,我星期五再打電話。佔用你很長時間,謝謝。

Leisa: Thank you. It was very nice meeting you.
Leisa: 謝謝你.認識你很高興。

Lee: Nice meeting you too.

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