Taiwanese people enjoy eating out more than other Asians: survey
Taipei, Oct. 17 (CNA) Eating delicious food is the most preferred leisure activity of Taiwanese people, according to a survey on consumer preferences in the Asia Pacific region by MasterCard that was unveiled Monday.
The survey showed that Taiwanese people love eating out more than any other leisure activity (64 percent), followed by web surfing (57 percent) and shopping (54 percent).
In contrast, people in the Asia Pacific region cited going shopping as their favorite leisure activity (50 percent), followed by eating out (46 percent) and surfing the web (42 percent).
The survey found the ratio of Taiwanese dining out was the highest among the 14 markets surveyed, but their average spending of US$165 per month on the activity was only the fourth highest in the region, trailing Japan (US$213), Singapore (US$212), and Hong Kong ($195), but far above the regional average of US$118.
According to the survey, the three top countries for dining expenses as a percentage of income were Vietnam (9.2 percent), China (9.1 percent) and Thailand (6.8 percent).
Taiwan placed sixth (5.1 percent) and Japan 11th (3.2 percent).
The survey found that when Taiwanese go out for a meal, they most often visit "food courts" (six times a month), followed by fast-food stores (four times a month), and coffee shops and bars (three times a month).
The survey also found that total leisure spending among Taiwanese accounted for 13 percent of income, ranking eighth among the 14 markets in the region surveyed.
The top three in the category were Hong Kong (18 percent), China (18 percent) and Thailand (17 percent).
The leisure spots visited most frequently by Taiwanese on a monthly basis are gyms (six time a month), sports bars (four times a month) and night clubs (three times a month), though Taiwanese visits to gyms were the second least of the 14 markets, ahead only of Indonesia (five times a month).
When asked what places they would most like to visit in the next six months, they said movie theaters (66 percent), theme parks (43 percent) and video game parlors (42 percent).
資料來源: http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/WebNews_Detail.aspx?Type=aLIV&ID=201110170038