身為加拿大人的我,在這個美麗的國家也住了蠻長一段時間,說實在話,這個國家真的有很多地方值得我們學習,就拿他的人民禮貌程度來說好了,在加拿大,開車在路上,一旦有行人要過馬路,不管有沒有紅綠燈,車子都一律會暫停下來,讓行人先過之後,車子在通行,也就是說,行人才是老大! 這樣的景況,在台灣根本不可能見到,台灣大部分的車子都是沒有在管行人的。這樣子的習慣和心態,讓當地人養成了禮讓和尊敬。接下來,我們來看一下,有哪十件事情是加拿大做得很好的吧!
1. Apologizing
It's not so easy to get a simple apology inmost of the world.
In Canada, apologies happen constantly-- "sorries" flying in from all sides like swarms of affable killer bees.
如同我所說的,加拿大人真的非常有禮貌。在路上,如果你跟人有所碰撞,或只是擋到別人的路,對方一定馬上會說Sorry! 這已經變成他們的習慣,進而影響到他們的行為,讓加拿大人也變得更加友善
2. Lakes and "Cottage Country"
Canada has more lakes than any other country -- about 3 million.
The province of Ontario alone contains about a third of the world's freshwater spread over 250,000 lakes.
No surprise that "heading up to the lake" is more than just a favorite national phrase.
加拿大的湖泊可不是像台灣看到的大小喔,加拿大隨便一個湖,都比一個日月潭還要大。而且當地的自然保護又非常的嚴謹,所以,這些自然景觀很少被破壞到。湖真的就像是一面鏡子一般的乾淨! 簡直跟仙境一樣。
3. Stand-in movie locations
Even if you've never set foot in Vancouver, Halifax or those handful of cities in between, you've frequently been staring right at them without knowing it.
Because Hollywood loves making movies in Canada -- big movies -- while passing the settings off as New York City, Wyoming, ancient Persia, the bow of history's most ill-fated oceanliner ...
Basically anywhere else but Canada.
4. Air
In a recent national air quality study by the World Health Organization, Canada placed third for the cleanest air on the planet
5. Humor
Canadians are hilarious -- sometimes even intentionally -- as a disproportionate number of comic heavyweights like Jim Carrey
6. Chocolate bars
Just a few giant corporations pump out most of the world's mass market candy bars -- but not always with the same goods under that familiar-looking wrapper.
7. Ski country
Sitting across the border from Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Vermont would be intimidating to most countries hawking their own powdery slopes.
Not Canada, which boasts some of the best reasons to haul your skis or snowboard a little farther north.
8. Nation branding
No national symbol is as ubiquitous as Canada's maple leaf.
9. Highway grub
Road trips are all about the food.
10. Adorable terms and phrases
Canadians do call their two-dollar coins"Toonies," cases of beer "two-fours" and napkins"serviettes" in polite company.