When Rob Taylor rolled down his car window on Christmas Eve and handed money to an apparently down on his luck man, the Iowa state representative from West Des Moines had no idea it was he who was about to receive a wondrous gift.
The man was dressed in shabby clothes and holding a sign indicating he was homeless. He stood on a bitterly cold street corner in the Des Moines suburb of Johnston handing sealed envelopes to people who gave him money.
The envelopes were stuffed with a letter and either a $10 or $100 bill. He handed out roughly $1,000 dollars in the 50 envelopes he gave away.
The letter inside the envelopes surprised Taylor when he opened it. It said that the ‘bum’ he just handed money wasn’t homeless, and was a successful business man giving back to people who do good.
Jonnie Wright was the man portraying the homeless panhandler. He told KCCI he did the giveaway because it was on his bucket list.
‘I thought this was also a way to acknowledge those who give, who do so anonymously,’ Mr Wright told the station.
Mr Taylor said it reminded him about the meaning of Christmas, that ‘it wasn’t about gifts, it’s about giving back.’
be down on (one’s) luck:形容詞片語,倒楣的,落魄的(多指窮困)。
bum, panhandler:名詞,bum:流浪漢,遊手好閒的人,panhandler:乞丐。
例句:He was down on his luck and went on the bum for the past 10 years.(他過去10年很落魄,過著遊民生活。)
bucket list:俚語,一個人死前想體驗或完成的事情清單。例句:Visiting Antarctica is one of the many things on my bucket list.(造訪南極大陸是我死前想做的許多事之一。)