聯合翻譯引用自 民視英語新聞:http://englishnews.ftv.com.tw/read.aspx?sno=FF6F059BD244E7BDE1EBDC95BA32AAC1
Taiwanese scientist on team that found ‘smoking gun’ evidence of cosmic inflation (2014/03/19)
Scientists are still celebrating the detection of gravitational waves, a finding that provides the strongest confirmation yet of prevailing models for early development of the universe. Among the scientists responsible for the landmark discovery is Stanford University assistant professor Kuo Chao-lin, a Taiwanese-born physicist who studied at National Taiwan University.
Researchers from several US universities gathered at Harvard University to hold the startling press conference on Monday. Second from the right is Kuo Chao-lin, a Taiwanese scientist who designed the detector used in the discovery.
Marc Kamionkowski
Physicist, Johns Hopkins University
This is not something that’s just a home run but a grand slam. It’s the smoking gun for inflation.
Scientists theorized that the Big Bang 14 billion years ago and the rapid expansion that followed initiated ripples in space-time known as gravitational waves. For years they believed that those ripples exist but they could never find direct evidence. This group found distortion in the microwave energy left over from the Big Bang that it believes could only be gravitational waves.
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
American Museum of Natural History
The theory of cosmic inflation, something that had been hypothesized for 30 years, and now here is a direct prediction made by that theory that has been confirmed.
The team conducted research in the South Pole because its dry, clear climate makes it ideal for observing microwaves from the Big Bang. The Taiwanese scientist, Kuo, describes the remote location as a kind of home away from home. In two weeks time, Kuo is expected to return to Taiwan.
[[美國物理學家 卡米翁可斯基 (未參與研究)]]
[[美國自然歷史博物館長 馬可羅]]
聯合翻譯引用自 民視英語新聞:http://englishnews.ftv.com.tw/read.aspx?sno=FF6F059BD244E7BDE1EBDC95BA32AAC1