[Express English] What are you passionate about? 你熱衷的東西或事情是甚麼呢?
聯合翻譯 引用自http://elitelovebbc.pixnet.net/blog/post/172308690
每個人都會有一件事情或是一個東西讓他充滿熱情,這個東西,也許是工作,也許是家庭,又或許是一個collection。就像是有些人會非常熱衷於收集7-11的貼紙,然後,拼命地集點,藉此換取小玩偶或是周邊商品。有些人熱衷的是一件事情,就像是有些人非常熱愛騎腳踏車,每到周末,一定要約三五好友去趴趴走一下,才有放鬆的感覺,一方面可以健身,又可以跟朋友聚聚,另一方面,可以讓自己暫時遠離壓力大的城市生活。我自己本身非常熱衷於健身,從開始健身到現在已經有十幾年的時間了,從未間斷過。很多人都覺得很不可思議,不過,我覺得已經變成我的生活習慣了。反而有時候忙到沒時間去健身,還會渾身不自在呢! 另外還有一個熱衷的事情,那就是到處去旅遊,這個我想應該是大家都非常喜歡的一件事情吧! 當然前提是,一定要準備好旅遊基金啦~ 要不然,出國一次的花費都很驚人呢~如果可以的話,個人是比較prefer自由行拉~因為這樣你才有完全的自由~
What are you passionate about?
Here's what people in London said:
"Circus, circus performing. I performin the circus. I do trapeze and web rope and I also run a circuscompany. I suppose it's just - the exhilaration of it, you know? There's an element of danger to it. It’s exciting. It's…performing in front of an audience is also a real buzz, as well."
"Sports, politics…and music, I'd say,are three passions of mine."
"My passion is music, because it's everywhere and it helps me to cheer up,or to calm down. It's just everything and it's everywhere."
Now tell us what you're passionate about!
Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/iyKiLQ
Let’s dig in!
It is really hard to keep your passion on something,especially for a long period of time. People usually tend to get bored easily if they keep doing the same thing over and over again. It is the refreshment that a lot of people are looking forward to. It could also be seen inrelationships. Many men cannot be faithful to their wives or girlfriends because they want something new. When a relationship goes on for a long time,you could take each other for granted and usually forget about the passion and love that you feel for each other when you were young.
It is also tough to keep your passion at work, especially when you are doing routine tasks. You could become de-motivated. When you do not have any expectation about your job or career,you start to feel frustrated and want to escape from the situation. This is when people start looking for other alternatives and hope to have a breakthrough of their life. No one wants to have a life that they might regret.So, most of us would find ways to make some changes if it is not the way that we want it to be.
Word bank
Trapeze 馬戲團中的空中吊繩表演,表演者在一個空中單槓上做特技演出
Web rope 這個也是吊繩表演,但是表演者只抓著一條布或是一條繩子
Exhilaration 高興得不亦樂乎
Real buzz 一件事情的重點或是亮點
The real buzz of the movie is to see the man finally rescue the women he loves.
Cheer up 讓..某人開心; 安慰
Whenever I see my son smiles at me, it cheers me up and makes me forget all the bad things.
Tell me about it…
Who could keep your passion in life?
Where is the place that you have been passionate for a long time?
Why do you think passion is important to a person?
How do you keep your passion at work?
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. - Harriet Tubman
聯合翻譯 引用自http://elitelovebbc.pixnet.net/blog/post/172308690